


Internet of Things with ESP8266电子书

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作       者:Marco Schwartz

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:42.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build amazing Internet of Things projects using the ESP8266 Wi-Fi chip About This Book Get to know the powerful and low cost ESP8266 and build interesting projects in the field of Internet of Things Configure your ESP8266 to the cloud and explore the networkable modules that will be utilized in the IoT projects This step-by-step guide teaches you the basics of IoT with ESP8266 and makes your life easier Who This Book Is For This book is for those who want to build powerful and inexpensive IoT projects using the ESP8266 WiFi chip, including those who are new to IoT, or those who already have experience with other platforms such as Arduino. What You Will Learn Control various devices from the cloud Interact with web services, such as Twitter or Facebook Make two ESP8266 boards communicate with each other via the cloud Send notifications to users of the ESP8266, via email, text message, or push notifications Build a physical device that indicates the current price of Bitcoin Build a simple home automation system that can be controlled from the cloud Create your own cloud platform to control ESP8266 devices In Detail The Internet of Things (IoT) is the network of objects such as physical things embedded with electronics, software, sensors, and connectivity, enabling data exchange. ESP8266 is a low cost WiFi microcontroller chip that has the ability to empower IoT and helps the exchange of information among various connected objects. ESP8266 consists of networkable microcontroller modules, and with this low cost chip, IoT is booming. This book will help deepen your knowledge of the ESP8266 WiFi chip platform and get you building exciting projects. Kick-starting with an introduction to the ESP8266 chip, we will demonstrate how to build a simple LED using the ESP8266. You will then learn how to read, send, and monitor data from the cloud. Next, you’ll see how to control your devices remotely from anywhere in the world. Furthermore, you’ll get to know how to use the ESP8266 to interact with web services such as Twitter and Facebook. In order to make several ESP8266s interact and exchange data without the need for human intervention, you will be introduced to the concept of machine-to-machine communication. The latter part of the book focuses more on projects, including a door lock controlled from the cloud, building a physical Bitcoin ticker, and doing wireless gardening. You’ll learn how to build a cloud-based ESP8266 home automation system and a cloud-controlled ESP8266 robot. Finally, you’ll discover how to build your own cloud platform to control ESP8266 devices. With this book, you will be able to create and program Internet of Things projects using the ESP8266 WiFi chip. Style and approach This is a step-by-step guide that provides great IOT projects with ESP8266. All the key concepts are explained details with the help of examples and demonstrations of the projects.

Internet of Things with ESP8266

Table of Contents

Internet of Things with ESP8266


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1. Getting Started with the ESP8266

How to choose your ESP8266 module

Hardware requirements

Hardware configuration

Installing the Arduino IDE for the ESP8266

Connecting your module to your Wi-Fi network


2. First Projects with the ESP8266

Controlling an LED

Reading data from a GPIO pin

Grabbing the content from a web page

Reading data from a digital sensor


3. Cloud Data Logging with the ESP8266

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Testing the sensor

Logging data to Dweet.io

Displaying data using Freeboard.io


4. Control Devices from Anywhere

Hardware and software requirements

Configuring the ESP8266 module and controlling an LED

Controlling the LED from a cloud dashboard

Controlling the lamp from anywhere in the world


5. Interacting With Web Services

Hardware and software requirements

Getting weather data from Yahoo

Posting temperature and humidity data to Twitter

Creating a new Facebook post from the ESP8266


6. Machine-to-Machine Communications

Hardware and software requirements

Simple machine-to-machine communication

Building a light-activated relay


7. Sending Notifications from the ESP8266

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Sending an e-mail notification

Sending data via text message

Receiving alerts via push notifications


8. Controlling a Door Lock from the Cloud

Hardware and software requirements

Configuring the hardware

Configuring the ESP8266 board

Controlling the lock from the cloud

Receiving notifications when the lock is opened


9. Building a Physical Bitcoin Ticker

What is Bitcoin?

Online Bitcoin services

Hardware and software requirements

Configuring the hardware

Testing the ticker

Adding alert LEDs to the ticker


10. Wireless Gardening with the ESP8266

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Creating alerts to water your plant

Monitoring the temperature and humidity

Automating your gardening


11. Cloud-Based Home Automation System

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Controlling your home from a dashboard

Creating a cloud alarm system

Automating your home


12. Cloud-Controlled ESP8266 Robot

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Testing the motors

Connecting the robot to the cloud

Controlling the robot from a dashboard


13. Building Your Own Cloud Platform to Control ESP8266 Devices

Hardware and software requirements

Hardware configuration

Creating a cloud server

The aREST cloud server code

Deploying the server

Connecting the ESP8266 board to your cloud server



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