


Haskell High Performance Programming电子书

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作       者:Samuli Thomasson

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:411.3万

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Boost the performance of your Haskell applications using optimization, concurrency, and parallel programming About This Book Explore the benefits of lazy evaluation, compiler features, and tools and libraries designed for high performance Write fast programs at extremely high levels of abstraction Work through practical examples that will help you address the challenges of writing efficient code Who This Book Is For To get the most out of this book, you need to have a working knowledge of reading and writing basic Haskell. No knowledge of performance, optimization, or concurrency is required. What You Will Learn Program idiomatic Haskell that's also surprisingly efficient Improve performance of your code with data parallelism, inlining, and strictness annotations Profile your programs to identify space leaks and missed opportunities for optimization Find out how to choose the most efficient data and control structures Optimize the Glasgow Haskell Compiler and runtime system for specific programs See how to smoothly drop to lower abstractions wherever necessary Execute programming for the GPU with Accelerate Implement programming to easily scale to the cloud with Cloud Haskell In Detail Haskell, with its power to optimize the code and its high performance, is a natural candidate for high performance programming. It is especially well suited to stacking abstractions high with a relatively low performance cost. This book addresses the challenges of writing efficient code with lazy evaluation and techniques often used to optimize the performance of Haskell programs. We open with an in-depth look at the evaluation of Haskell expressions and discuss optimization and benchmarking. You will learn to use parallelism and we'll explore the concept of streaming. We’ll demonstrate the benefits of running multithreaded and concurrent applications. Next we’ll guide you through various profiling tools that will help you identify performance issues in your program. We’ll end our journey by looking at GPGPU, Cloud and Functional Reactive Programming in Haskell. At the very end there is a catalogue of robust library recommendations with code samples. By the end of the book, you will be able to boost the performance of any app and prepare it to stand up to real-world punishment. Style and approach This easy-to-follow guide teaches new practices and techniques to optimize your code, and then moves towards more advanced ways to effectively write efficient Haskell code. Small and simple practical examples will help you test the concepts yourself, and you will be able to easily adapt them for any application.

Haskell High Performance Programming

Table of Contents

Haskell High Performance Programming


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1. Identifying Bottlenecks

Meeting lazy evaluation

Writing sum correctly

Weak head normal form

Folding correctly

Memoization and CAFs

Constant applicative form

Recursion and accumulators

The worker/wrapper idiom

Guarded recursion

Accumulator parameters

Inspecting time and space usage

Increasing sharing and minimizing allocation

Compiler code optimizations

Inlining and stream fusion

Polymorphism performance

Partial functions


2. Choosing the Correct Data Structures

Annotating strictness and unpacking datatype fields

Unbox with UNPACK

Using anonymous tuples

Performance of GADTs and branching

Handling numerical data

Handling binary and textual data

Representing bit arrays

Handling bytes and blobs of bytes

Working with characters and strings

Using the text library

Builders for iterative construction

Builders for strings

Handling sequential data

Using difference lists

Difference list performance

Difference list with the Writer monad

Using zippers

Accessing both ends fast with Seq

Handling tabular data

Using the vector package

Handling sparse data

Using the containers package

Using the unordered-containers package

Ephemeral data structures

Mutable references are slow

Using mutable arrays

Using mutable vectors

Bubble sort with vectors

Working with monads and monad stacks

The list monad and its transformer

Free monads

Working with monad transformers

Speedup via continuation-passing style


3. Profile and Benchmark to Your Heart's Content

Profiling time and allocations

Setting cost centres manually

Setting cost centres automatically

Installing libraries with profiling

Debugging unexpected crashes with profiler

Heap profiling

Cost centre-based heap profiling

Objects outside the heap

Retainer profiling

Biographical profiling

Benchmarking using the criterion library

Profile and monitor in real time

Monitoring over HTTP with ekg


4. The Devil's in the Detail

The anatomy of a Haskell project

Useful fields and flags in cabal files

Test suites and benchmarks

Using the stack tool

Multi-package projects

Erroring and handling exceptions

Handling synchronous errors

The exception hierarchy

Handling asynchronous errors

Throw and catch in other monads besides IO

Writing tests for Haskell

Property checks

Unit testing with HUnit

Test frameworks

Trivia at term-level

Coding in GHC PrimOps

Control inlining

Using rewrite rules

Specializing definitions

Phase control

Trivia at type-level

Phantom types

Functional dependencies

Type families and associated types

Useful GHC extensions

Monomorphism Restriction

Extensions for patterns and guards

Strict-by-default Haskell


5. Parallelize for Performance

Primitive parallelism and the Runtime System

Spark away

Subtle evaluation – pseq

When in doubt, use the force

The Eval monad and strategies

Composing strategies

Fine-tune granularity with chunking and buffering

The Par monad and schedules

spawn for futures and promises

Non-deterministic parallelism with ParIO

Diagnosing parallelism – ThreadScope

Data parallel programming – Repa

Playing with Repa in GHCi

Mapping and delayed arrays

Reduction via folding

Manifest representations

Delayed representation and fusion

Indices, slicing, and extending arrays

Convolution with stencils

Cursored and partitioned arrays

Writing fast Repa code

Additional libraries

Example from image processing

Loading the image from file

Identifying letters with convolution

Extracting strings from an image

Testing and evaluating performance


6. I/O and Streaming

Reading, writing, and handling resources

Traps of lazy I/O

File handles, buffering, and encoding

Binary I/O

Textual I/O

I/O performance with filesystem objects

Sockets and networking

Acting as a TCP/IP client

Acting as a TCP server (Unix domain sockets)

Raw UDP traffic

Networking above the transport layer

Managing resources with ResourceT

Streaming with side-effects

Choosing a streaming library

Simple streaming using io-streams

Creating input streams

Using combinators and output streams

Handling exceptions and resources in streams

An example of parsing using io-streams and attoparsec

Streaming using pipes

Composing and executing pipes

For loops and category theory in pipes

Handling exceptions in pipes

Strengths and weaknesses of pipes

Streaming using conduits

Handling resources and exceptions in conduits

Resuming conduits

Logging in Haskell

Logging with FastLogger

More abstract loggers

Timed log messages

Monadic logging

Customizing monadic loggers


7. Concurrency and Performance

Threads and concurrency primitives

Threads and mutable references

Avoid accumulating thunks

Atomic operations with IORefs


MVars are fair

MVar as a building block

Broadcasting with Chan

Software Transactional Memory

STM example – Bank accounts

Alternative transactions

Exceptions in STM

Runtime System and threads

Masking asynchronous exceptions

Asynchronous processing

Using the Async API

Async example – Timeouts

Composing with Concurrently

Lifting up from I/O

Top-level mutable references

Lifting from a base monad

Lifting base with exception handling


8. Tweaking the Compiler and Runtime System (GHC)

Using GHC like a pro

Operating GHC

Circular dependencies

Adjusting optimizations and transformations

The state hack

Floating lets in and out

Eliminating common subexpressions

Liberate-case duplicates code

Compiling via the LLVM route

Linking and building shared libraries

Preprocessing Haskell source code

Enforcing type-safety using Safe Haskell

Tuning GHC's Runtime System

Scheduler and green threads

Sparks and spark pool

Bounded threads and affinity

Indefinite blocking and weak references

Heap, stack, and memory management

Evaluation stack in Haskell

Tuning the garbage collector

Parallel GC

Profiling and tracing options

Tracing using eventlog

Options for profiling and debugging

Summary of useful GHC options

Basic usage

The LLVM backend

Turn optimizations on and off

Configuring the Runtime System (compile-time)

Safe Haskell

Summary of useful RTS options

Scheduler flags

Memory management

Garbage collection

Runtime System statistics

Profiling and debugging


9. GHC Internals and Code Generation

Interpreting GHC's internal representations

Reading GHC Core

Spineless tagless G-machine

Primitive GHC-specific features

Kinds encode type representation

Datatype generic programming

Working example – A generic sum

Generating Haskell with Haskell

Splicing with $(…)

Names in templates

Smart template constructors

The constN function

Lifting Haskell code to Q with quotation brackets

Launching missiles during compilation

Reifying Haskell data into template objects

Deriving setters with Template Haskell

Quasi-quoting for DSLs


10. Foreign Function Interface

From Haskell to C and C to Haskell

Common types in Haskell and C

Importing static functions and addresses

Exporting Haskell functions

Compiling a shared library

Function pointers and wrappers

Haskell callbacks from C

Data marshal and stable pointers

Allocating memory outside the heap

Pointing to objects in the heap

Marshalling abstract datatypes

Marshalling in standard libraries


11. Programming for the GPU with Accelerate

Writing Accelerate programs

Kernels – The motivation behind explicit use and run

Working with elements and scalars

Rudimentary array computations

Example – Matrix multiplication

Flow control and conditional execution

Inspecting generated code

Running with the CUDA backend

Debugging CUDA programs

More Accelerate concepts

Working with tuples

Folding, reducing, and segmenting

Accelerated stencils

Permutations in Accelerate

Using the backend foreign function interface


12. Scaling to the Cloud with Cloud Haskell

Processes and message-passing

Creating a message type

Creating a Process

Spawning and closures

Running with the SimpleLocalNet backend

Using channels

Establishing bidirectional channels

Calling a remote process

Handling failure

Firing up monitors

Matching on the message queue

Linking processes together

Message-passing performance

Nodes and networking


13. Functional Reactive Programming

The tiny discrete-time Elerea

Mutually recursive signals

Signalling side-effects

Dynamically changing signal networks

Performance and limitations in Elerea

Events and signal functions with Yampa

Adding state to signal functions

Working with time

Switching and discrete-time events

Integrating to the real world

Reactive-banana – Safe and simple semantics

Example – First GUI application

Graphical display with wxWidgets

Combining events and behaviors

Switching events and behaviors

Observing moments on demand

Recursion and semantics

Adding input and output

Input via polling or handlers

Reactimate output

Input and output dynamically


14. Library Recommendations

Representing data

Functional graphs

Numeric data for special use

Encoding and serialization

Binary serialization of Haskell values

Encoding to and from other formats

CSV input and output

Persistent storage, SQL, and NoSQL

acid-state and safecopy

persistent and esqueleto

HDBC and add-ons

Networking and HTTP

HTTP clients and servers

Supplementary HTTP libraries

JSON remote procedure calls

Using WebSockets

Programming a REST API


Web technologies

Parsing and pretty-printing

Regular expressions in Haskell

Parsing XML

Pretty-printing and text formatting

Control and utility libraries

Using lenses

Easily converting between types (convertible)

Using a custom Prelude

Working with monads and transformers

Monad morphisms – monad-unlift

Handling exceptions

Random number generators

Parallel and concurrent programming

Functional Reactive Programming

Mathematics, statistics, and science

Tools for research and sketching

The HaskellR project

Creating charts and diagrams

Scripting and CLI applications

Testing and benchmarking



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