


THIS IS CANADA:加拿大(英语国家文化与生活1)(出国留学英文版)电子书


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作       者:托尼·伯顿

出  版  社:天津人民出版社


字       数:12.4万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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     《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》系列图书由以英语为母语的作者,为中国学生和英语学习者专门编写,尤其是将来准备出国留学的学生。      《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》以加拿大这一英语国家的历史和文化为背景,对该国的人文地理、旅游、经济、文化、教育及日常生活做了详细介绍,通过这本《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》你将对加拿大有全新的认识。针对ESL学习者的特和英语水平, 《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》以全英文方式出版, 是国内英语学习者很好的阅读素材,每一章节后都有对本章节重难单词的注释与习题,同时提供配套英文朗读免费下载,在品读的精彩故事的同时提升阅读水平。下载方式详见图书封底博客。对准备出国留学的学生备考英语水平考试也大有帮助。     This series of books allows readers to strengthen their vocabulary while learning important information about the history and culture of different English speaking countries. In This Is Canada, you will learn about the geography and people of the second largest country in the world. You will learn about the first peoples of Canada, the provinces and territories of Canada, the history of the Chinese in Canada. This book will also give you insider knowledge about studying in the country and touring the country, as well. What kind of sports is popular in Canada? What are the holiday celebrations in Canada? Who are some famous Canadians? All these questions are answered within this helpful book.     This is the perfect book for students who are interested in completing a work or study term in Canada. It is also ideal for travellers who are considering Canada as a destination. The book comes complete with a study guide and answer key, so you can sharpen your English language skills while reading. Enjoy this book and the others in this essential series!<br/>【推荐语】<br/>      《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》以英文原版形式出版,书中以大量图片的形式较深地介绍了英语国家的人文地理、旅游、经济、文化、教育等,并对日常生活做了详细介绍。通过这本《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》你将对加拿大有全新的认识,是国内英语学习者很好的阅读素材。对准备出国留学的学生备考英语水平考试大有帮助。同时《英语国家文化与生活:加拿大》提供配套英文朗读免费下载,在品读精彩故事的同时提升阅读水平。下载方式详见图书封底博客。<br/>

Chapter 1 O Canada

Geography of Canada

Symbols of Canada

The Government of Canada

Languages of Canada

Canada Day

How Canada Got its Name

National Anthem

Chapter 2 Canada' s Provinces and Territories

Provincial Government

The Provinces

The Territories

Chapter 3 Early History: The First Nations

The First People of the Arctic

The First People of the Subarctic

The First People of the Pacific Coast

The First People of the Plains

The First People of the Eastern Woodlands

Chapter 4 Early History: The Europeans

The Vikings

John Cabot

Jacques Cartier

The Fur Traders

New France


Under British Rule

Chapter 5 How Canada Became a Country

The Reasons for Confederation

Becoming a Country

Chapter 6 The Chinese in Canada

The First Chinese-Boat Builders

The Chinese and the Gold Rush


The Chinese and the Canadian Pacific Railway

The Chinese on the Prairies

The Chinese as Canadian Soldiers

Chinese Canadians Today

Chapter 7 Going to School in Canada

The Education System in Canada

Elementary and Secondary School

Post-Secondary School

Chapter 8 Canada' s Natural Wonders

Niagara Falls

Rocky Mountains

Northern Lights

Bay of Fundy

Dinosaur Provincial Park

Chapter 9 Sports in Canada

Ice Hockey




Chapter 10 Special Days in Canada

New Year' s Eve and New Year' s Day

Valentine' s Day

St. Patrick' s Day


Victoria Day

Canada Day



Remembrance Day


Chapter 11 Famous Canadians

Dr. Frederick Banting

Justin Bieber

Emily Carr

Terry Fox

Wayne Gretzky

Chris Hadfield

Norman Kwong

Anne Shirley

Shania Twain

Chapter 12 Visiting Canada

Canada in the Winter

Canada in the Spring

Canada in the Summer

Canada in the Fall

Answer Key for Chapter Study Guides

Chapter 1 Answers

Chapter 2 Answers

Chapter 3 Answers

Chapter 4 Learning Activity

Chapter 5 Answers

Chapter 6 Learning Activity

Chapter 7 Answers

Chapter 8 Answers

Chapter 9 Answers

Chapter 10 Answers

Chapter 11 Learning Activity

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