


Charlotte’s Web电子书

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作       者:E. B. White

出  版  社:HarperCollinsChildren’sBooks


字       数:14.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Three beautiful, timeless stories by beloved author E.B.White - available together in ebook for the first time! CHARLOTTE’S WEB ‘Some Pig’. ‘Humble’. ‘Radiant’. These are the words in Charlotte's Web, high up in Zuckerman's barn. Charlotte's spiderweb tells of her feelings for a little pig named Wilbur, who simply wants a friend. They also express the love of a girl named Fern, who saved Wilbur's life when he was born the runt of his litter. STUART LITTLE Stuart Little is no ordinary mouse. Born to a family of humans, he lives in New York City with his parents, his older brother George, and Snowbell the cat. Though he's shy and thoughtful, he's also a true lover of adventure. Stuart's greatest adventure comes when his best friend, a beautiful little bird named Margalo, disappears from her nest. Determined to track her down, Stuart ventures away from home for the very first time in his life. He finds adventure aplenty. But will he find his friend? THE TRUMPET OF THE SWAN Like the rest of his family, Louis is a trumpeter swan. But unlike his four brothers and sisters, Louis can't trumpet joyfully. In fact, he can't even make a sound. And since he can't trumpet his love, the beautiful swan Serena pays absolutely no attention to him. Louis tries everything he can think of to win Serena's affection;he even goes to school to learn to read and write. But nothing seems to work. Then his father steals him a real brass trumpet. Is a musical instrument the key to winning Louis his love?

Title Page



1. Before Breakfast

2. Wilbur

3. Escape

4. Loneliness

5. Charlotte

6. Summer Days

7. Bad News

8. A Talk at Home

9. Wilbur’s Boast

10. An Explosion

11. The Miracle

12. A Meeting

13. Good Progress

14. Dr Dorian

15. The Crickets

16. Off to the Fair

17. Uncle

18. The Cool of the Evening

19. The Egg Sac

20. The Hour of Triumph

21. Last Day

22. A Warm Wind

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