


The Time Ships电子书

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作       者:Stephen Baxter

出  版  社:Voyager


字       数:76.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The highly-acclaimed sequel to H G Wells’s The Time Machine, from the heir to Arthur C. Clarke. Written to celebrate the centenary of the publication of H G Wells’s classic story The Time Machine, Stephen Baxter’s stunning sequel is an outstanding work of imaginative fiction. The Time Traveller has abandoned his charming and helpless Eloi friend Weena to the cannibal appetites of the Morlocks, the devolved race of future humans from whom he was forced to flee. He promptly embarks on a second journey to the year AD 802,701, pledged to rescue Weena. He never arrives! The future was changed by his presence… and will be changed again. Hurled towards infinity, the Traveller must resolve the paradoxes building around him in a dazzling temporal journey of discovery. He must achieve the impossible if Weena is to be saved.

Title Page



Table of Contents

Editor’s Note


Book One: Dark Night

Chapter 1: Time Travelling

Chapter 2: A New Vision

Chapter 3: In Obscurity

Chapter 4: The Dark Night

Chapter 5: The Well

Chapter 6: My Encounter With the Morlocks

Chapter 7: The Cage of Light

Chapter 8: A Visitor

Chapter 9: Revelations and Remonstrances

Chapter 10: A Dialogue With a Morlock

Chapter 11: Out of the Cage

Chapter 12: The Morlocks of the Sphere

Chapter 13: How the Morlocks Lived

Chapter 14: Constructions and Divergences

Chapter 15: Life and Death Among the Morlocks

Chapter 16: Decision and Departure

Chapter 17: In the Interior

Chapter 18: The New Eloi

Chapter 19: How I Crossed Inter-Planetary Space

Chapter 20: My Account of the Far Future

Chapter 21: On Richmond Hill

Chapter 22: Rotations and Deceptions

Book Two: Paradox

Chapter 1: The Chronic Argo

Chapter 2: Home

Chapter 3: Moses

Chapter 4: The Experiment

Chapter 5: Honesty and Doubt

Chapter 6: Persuasion and Scepticism

Chapter 7: The Juggernaut Lord Raglan

Chapter 8: Old Acquaintance Renewed

Chapter 9: Into Time

Book Three: The War With the Germans

Chapter 1: A New Vision of Richmond

Chapter 2: A Train Journey

Chapter 3: London at War

Chapter 4: The House in Queen’s Gate Terrace

Chapter 5: The Many Worlds Interpretation

Chapter 6: Hyde Park

Chapter 7: The Babble Machine

Chapter 8: The Uplands of the Future

Chapter 9: Imperial College

Chapter 10: Professor Gödel

Chapter 11: The New World Order

Chapter 12: The German Assault on London

Chapter 13: The Shelling

Chapter 14: The Rota-Mine

Chapter 15: The Time-Car

Chapter 16: Falling Into Time

Chapter 17: The Watcher

Book Four: The Palaeocene Sea

Chapter 1: Diatryma Gigantica

Chapter 2: The Palaeocene Sea

Chapter 3: How We Lived

Chapter 4: Illness and Recuperation

Chapter 5: The Storm

Chapter 6: Heart and Body

Chapter 7: Pristichampus

Chapter 8: The Encampment

Chapter 9: The Chronic Expeditionary Force

Chapter 10: The Apparition

Chapter 11: The Bomb

Chapter 12: The Aftermath of the Bombing

Chapter 13: Bond’s Account

Chapter 14: Survivors

Chapter 15: A New Settlement

Chapter 16: The Establishment of First London

Chapter 17: Children and Descendants

Chapter 18: The Feast, and Later

Chapter 19: Lights in the Sky

Chapter 20: The Orbital City

Chapter 21: Instabilities

Chapter 22: Abandonment and Arrival

Book Five: White Earth

Chapter 1: Confinement

Chapter 2: Experiments and Reflections

Chapter 3: The Universal Constructor

Chapter 4: The Billiards Room

Chapter 5: White Earth

Chapter 6: The Multiplicity Generator

Chapter 7: The Mechanical Heirs of Man

Chapter 8: A Proposition

Chapter 9: Options and Introspections

Chapter 10: Preparations

Chapter 11: Forward in Time

Chapter 12: The Ship

Book Six: The Time Ships

Chapter 1: Departure

Chapter 2: The Unravelling of Earth

Chapter 3: The Boundary of Space and Time

Chapter 4: The Nonlinearity Engines

Chapter 5: The Final Vision

Chapter 6: The Triumph of Mind

Chapter 7: Emergence

Chapter 8: A Circle Is Closed

Book Seven: Day 292,495,940

Chapter 1: The Vale of Thames

Chapter 2: A Walk

Chapter 3: In the Darkness


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About the Author

Also by Stephen Baxter

About the Publisher

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