


Horse Under Water电子书

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作       者:Len Deighton

出  版  社:Harper


字       数:35.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The dead hand of a long-defeated Nazi Third Reich reaches out to Portugal, London and Marrakech in Deighton’s second novel, featuring the same anonymous narrator and milieu of The IPCRESS File, but finds Dawlish now head of the secret British Intelligence unit, WOOC(P). The Ipcress File was a debut sensation. Here in the second Secret File, Horse under Water, skin-diving, drug trafficking and blackmail all feature in a curious story in which the dead hand of a long-defeated Hitler-Germany reaches out to Portugal, London and Marrakech, and to all the neo-Nazis of today's Europe. The detail is frightening but unfaultable; the story as up to date as ever it was. The un-named hero of The Ipcress File the same: insolent, fallible, capricious - in other words, human. But he must draw on all his abilities, good and bad, when plunged into a story of murder, betrayal and greed every bit as murky as the waters off the coast of Portugal, where the answers lie buried.

Title Page



Cover designer’s note




Horse Under Water: Secret File No. 2

1 Sweet talk

2 Old solution

3 Undersea need

4 Man with a tail

5 No toy

6 Ugly rock

7 Short talk

8 I hit it

9 I sit on it

10 Sort of boat

11 Help

12 Sort of man

13 More to do

14 Portuguese O.K.

15 Reaction in the market

16 One too many

17 Da Cunha lays it down

18 Sad song

19 Never say this

20 Enemy

21 Are the wages of this, that?

22 Charly raises its head

23 In the same one

24 Threads of a story

25 Ready to jump?

26 The point of a pen

27 Gain this or lose it

28 The boat gets one

29 Entreaty

30 Grave trouble

31 From a friend

32 For this game

33 Jean when I find her

34 Awakening

35 At the door

36 Sort of Secrets

37 Two readings

38 Chin wag

39 Inside a cabinet

40 H without an H

41 It’s moving

42 Hidden within treason

43 Friday on a Portuguese calendar

44 W.H.O. is part of this not me

45 Man and boy are this

46 Little else to give

47 Relinquish

48 Ivor Butcher entertains

49 And again

50 One named OSTRA has no number

51 Where I shine

52 I see better with this

53 Long arm

54 Ossie moves like double this

55 In me for a change

56 Deep signal

57 Lost letter in the mail

58 To put it together hastily

Last Word

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About the Author

By Len Deighton

About the Publisher

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