


Flirting in Florence (Summer Flings, Book 6)电子书

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作       者:Aimee Duffy

出  版  社:HarperImpulse


字       数:5.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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"Aimee has brought me some of my favourite books this summer and I definitely won't be glad to see the back of these characters. Flirting in Florence is my easiest five star rating of the series. " ~ Reviewed the Book "There was more emotion in this instalment and I dislike the author for leaving it on such a cliffhanger! It's just mean and makes me want to start the next one even though it's 1am. :-) All I can hope is I get the ending I'm looking for in the final book, which I'm both sad and excited to start." ~ Lost to Books "Hooray, the sixth installment of the summer flings series is here, and an opportunity to check in with Ciara, Gem and Elle and see what they are up to as they arrive in Italy. Infact I was so eager I downloaded it at midnight, snuggled under my duvet, and had finished by 1am." ~ Jill Loves to Read Part 6 of Summer Flings - a fun, flirty and laugh out loud rom com series of short stories. Instead of hitting the designer shops with her friends, Ciara's all about proving Florence can be enjoyed on a budget - and she isn't talking about the sexy Italians Elle and Gem pick up for the duration! One-on-one with Zack is getting too intense so she plans a grape-squishing trip to a vineyard hoping to leave her problems back in the city. Of course her doomed affair is the least of her worries when her friendship with his cousin is on the line. The ideal summer treat for those relaxing days soaking up the sun!

Title Page





Chapter Eighteen

Chapter Nineteen

Chapter Twenty

Chapter Twenty-One

Aimée Duffy

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