


I Miss Mummy:Free Sampler电子书

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作       者:Cathy Glass

出  版  社:Harper Element


字       数:5.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Discover the incredible memoirs of internationally bestselling author Cathy Glass with this free extended eBook sample of I Miss Mummy, the story of Alice, a young and vulnerable girl who is desperate to return home to her mother. Alice, aged four, is snatched by her mother the day she is due to arrive at Cathy's house. Drug-dependent and mentally ill, but desperate to keep hold of her daughter, Alice's mother snatches her from her parents' house and disappears. Cathy spends three anxious days worrying about her whereabouts before Alice is found safe, but traumatised. Alice is like a little doll, so young and vulnerable, and she immediately finds her place in the heart of Cathy's family. She talks openly about her mummy, who she dearly loves, and how happy she was living with her maternal grandparents before she was put into care. Alice has clearly been very well looked after and Cathy can't understand why she couldn't stay with her grandparents. It emerges that Alice's grandparents are considered too old (they are in their early sixties) and that the plan is that Alice will stay with Cathy for a month before moving to live with her father and his new wife. The grandparents are distraught – Alice has never known her father, and her grandparents claim he is a violent drug dealer. Desperate to help Alice find the happy home she deserves, Cathy's parenting skills are tested in many new ways. Finally questions are asked about Alice's father suitability, and his true colours begin to emerge.

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Also by Cathy Glass

Chapter One: Desperate

Chapter Two: Am I to Blame?

Chapter Three: Stretched to the Limit

Chapter Four: Normal?

Exclusive sample chapter

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