


Menopause Without Weight Gain: The 5 Step Solution to Challenge Your Changing Ho电子书

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作       者:Debra Waterhouse

出  版  社:Thorsons


字       数:34.9万

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Women over the age of 40, as they move towards menopause, usually experience an increasing waistline and multiplying fat cells…no matter how much they exercise. Hormonal changes start to affect your weight when your 30 billion fat cells detect a slightly lower oestrogen reading and come to your aid to produce oestrogen for you. And the fat cells in your waist grow the largest because they are better equipped to produce oestrogen than those in your bottom, hips and thighs. Debra Waterhouse provides her usual sound strategies to cope but also explains the positive side: that the more oestrogen you produce the fewer mood swings and hot flushes, less intense PMS, improved sleep, and a reduced risk of osteoporosis you will experience. And she warns: the harder you try to lose weight by dieting the more powerful your menopausal fat cells become . Positive actions Waterhouse proposes include: ? Encouraging a positive attitude for your change of life, embracing your body changes ? Following her tailored exercise programme which includes building bone density and gaining muscle ? How much to eat, when and how often. What to eat, including plant oestrogens. And how to start trusting your body’s messages and cravings.


Title Page



Attention All 35- to 55-Year-Old Women: Why You Should Read This Book

m Gaining Weight!

The Life Cycle of a Female Fat Cell

When Fat Cells Turn 35

When Fat Cells Turn 45

When Fat Cells Turn 55

Fat Cells Are Your Menopausal Helper

Chapter 2: What Type of Midlife Fat Cells Have You Got?

Fat Cells Prematurely Forced into the Menopause

Postpartum Fat Cells Entering the Menopause while Breastfeeding

Genetically Overactive Fat Cells

Fat Cells on Hormones

Unfit Fat Cells Under Stress

Fat Cells with a Long History of Dieting

Chapter 3: The Meno-Positive Approach to a Trimmer Transition

Teaching 35- to 55-year-old Fat Cells New Tricks

The Seven Habits of Highly Successful Menopausal Women

Repeat After Me: I Am Not on a Diet

Throw Away Your Scales, But Not Your Common Sense

A Tale of Two Menopausal Women

Chapter 4: Acquiring Meno-Positive Attitudes

s a Transition to Be Experienced

The Placebo vs The Nocebo Effect

Managing Your Midlife Weight Crisis

Diet Humour: Gaining a Whole New Perspective

In Menopause We Trust

Chapter 5: Mastering Meno-Positive Fitness

Starting with a Clean Exercise Slate

Take a Break from Walking

s All in the Timing

Hustle to Build Muscle

Exercise Smarter, Not Harder

How About a Little Floor Play?

Chapter 6: Embracing Meno-Positive Eating Habits

Tap into Your Body of Knowledge

Neither Starve Nor Stuff

Downsize Your Meals, Upgrade Your Snacking

Emotional Eating vs Eating Emotionally

It s Mind Over Platter

Chapter 7: Maximizing Meno-Positive Food Choices

Do You Have a Fat-Free Chip on Your Shoulder?

Mind Your Menopausal Food Cravings

Eat Your Oestrogen

Wet Your Appetite

Chapter 8: Living A Meno-Positive Lifestyle

Live Today Less Stressed

Mindful Menopause: New Age Medicine for Middle Age

The Pursuit of Hormonal Happiness

Your Midlife Checkup

Lifestyles of the Relaxed and Fearless

s Not Over til the Fat Cell Sings

What Does a Healthy Midlife Woman Look Like?

Patience, Perseverance, Perspective

When the Transition Is Over

Thank You, Fat Cells

Appendix A: Meno-Positive Eating Records

Appendix B: Additional Resources

Appendix C: Suggested Reading




About the Author

Also by the Author

Praise for Menopause without Weight Gain


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