


A Book of Voyages电子书

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作       者:Patrick O’Brian

出  版  社:HarperCollins


字       数:44.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 法律/政治/宗教



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Never previously published in this country, A Book of Voyages presents writings by various travelers, annotated and introduced by Patrick O Brian. Most are taken from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries; O Brian felt that, unlike Elizabethan or Victorian accounts, these writings were relatively unknown in our time. On her journey through the Crimea, Lady Craven witnesses barbaric entertainments in the court of the Tartar Khan. John Bell tells us of his day s hunting with the Manchu emperor in 1721 outside Peking. An English woman in Madras gives us a detailed de*ion of the extraordinary costume and body decoration of a high-born Indian woman, wife of a nabob. These and other selections are glimpses of a world, now gone forever, that few readers would ever see for themselves. They are also quite possibly the inspiration for the travels and adventures of O Brian s own fictional heroes Captain Jack Aubrey and Stephen Maturin."

Title Page




Preface by Various Travellers

Pleasant Travels by Land

1. Lady Craven: Vienna to Constantinople

2. Dr. John Moore: Prince Esterhazy’s Garden

3. Dr. Gemelli-Careri: Venice and the Carnival

Thicknesse’s General Hints to Strangers who Travel in France

Unpleasant Voyages

1. The Distresses of the Unfortunate Crew of the Ship Anne and Mary

2. The Loss of the Luxborough

3. The Sufferings of Six Deserters going from St. Helena to Brazil

4. Fra Denis de Carli in the Congo

5. The Wonderful Preservation of the Ship Terra Nova

Pellham’s Voyage to Greenland

Oriental Splendour

1. Sir Thomas Roe: The Mogul’s Birthday

2. M. Tavernier: The Mogul’s Peacock Throne

3. Mr. Bell: Hunting with the Emperor K’ang Hsi

4. The Nabob’s Lady

The Indefatigable Tourist

Inefficient Pirates

1. Sir William Monson’s Tale

2. Everard’s Encounter

Colonel Norwood’s Voyage to Virginia

A List of Sea-terms


The Works of Patrick O’Brian


About the Publisher

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