


Swinging: The Games Your Neighbours Play电子书

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作       者:Mark Brendon

出  版  社:The Friday Project


字       数:38.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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The Games Your Neighbours Play Your neighbours are doing it. Your relatives are doing it. Even your colleagues are doing it. (Especially your colleagues.) But what is swinging? Despite being an activity enjoyed by millions worldwide (4 million in the US alone), little is known about the enormous subculture that exists. Turned on to swinging by a chance series of events in his life, author Mark Brendon found it to be stimulating, satisfying and emotionally rewarding, an experience totally at odds with the often cynical and always inaccurate picture presented by the media. Opening with an orgy scene where a tetchy husband is urging his otherwise-engaged wife to ‘hurry up, the babysitter’s waiting’ this revealing and edifying book is sure to shock some but aims to paint a realistic picture of the relative normality of this style of living. Filled with case studies, conversations and bon mots Brendon expertly crafts a fascinating book that manages to be an absorbing take on social history and a stimulating work of erotica all rolled into one. Honest, funny, thoughtful and erotic the author entertains and enlightens the reader as he describes attending parties held in clubs, on beaches and in private homes throughout Britain and beyond. He explores why, where and how your neighbours swing, outlines the subculture’s history, principles and rules and looks to a future in which swinging might just save some of our most cherished institutions – including marriage itself. Thoughtful, racy and funny, this fascinating book will appeal to experienced swingers and 'vanillas' alike. This is the only accurate guide available; a remarkable and fascinating insight into the world of swingers by a skilled and accomplished writer.


Title Page


Table of Contents

Part I

Chapter 1: Introduction and Apologia

Chapter 2: Taming Lust

Chapter 3: It is Everywhere

Chapter 4: Affection, Flirtation, Adventure...

Chapter 5: 'None of Us Wanted Ownership...'

Chapter 6: A Whore and a Vagabond

Part II

Chapter 1: Swinging and Morality

Chapter 2: The Yuckiness Factor

Chapter 3: Does Gastronomy 'Devalue' Home Cooking?

Chapter 4: The Nastiest Obligation of All...

Chapter 5: Sex = Immortality

Chapter 6: The Vanilla One-Night Stand

Chapter 7: Swinging and Health

Chapter 8: 'I Was Born Naked in Eden, Wasn't I?'

Part III

Chapter 1: Invitation to an Orgy

Chapter 2: A Cinderella with a Fuck-Card

Chapter 3: The Warm-Up

Chapter 4: Dressing to Undress

Chapter 5: Time to Play

Chapter 6: Giuoco Delle Coppie

Chapter 7: Intermezzo Interrotto

Chapter 8: 'After You've--You Know?'

Chapter 9: Lessons Learned

Chapter 10: After the Ball...

Chapter 11: Swing-Clubs

Part IV

Chapter 1: Defining Terms

Chapter 2: Subcategories

Chapter 3: Bisexuality in Swinging

Chapter 4: Bonobosexuality

Chapter 5: In Defense of Hedonism

Chapter 6: When the Fun Was Taken Out of Sex

Chapter 7: The Liberating Condom

Chapter 8: The Origins of Swinging

Chapter 9: An Anomalous Orgy

Chapter 10: Swinging in the '70s

Chapter 11: The '80s and Beyond

Part V

Chapter 1: Cyberquesting

Chapter 2: local-swingers.co.uk

Chapter 3: Ticks and Feedback

Chapter 4: Casting the Net

Chapter 5: Dredging

Chapter 6: sdc.com

Chapter 7: Handling Meets

Chapter 8: Odditoes...

Chapter 9: ...and Occasional Perils

Chapter 10: Safer Than Trawling

Part VI

Chapter 1: Who are Swingers?

Chapter 2: 'All Those Years, I'd Been Conned...'

Chapter 3: Class and Age

Chapter 4: 'It's Me-Time Now...'

Chapter 5: Swinging and Marriage

Chapter 6: Taking Over the Driving

Chapter 7: The Single Female

Chapter 8: The Single Male

Chapter 9: Couples Starting Out

Chapter 10: Not for the Impatient

Chapter 11: Party Hosts

Part VII

Chapter 1: Swinging and Emotions

Chapter 2: Setting Limits

Chapter 3: 'Let the Girls Have Their Fun'

Chapter 4: Jealousy

Chapter 5: Kamikaze Sperm

Chapter 6: 'Tongues, or He'll Suspect!'

Chapter 7: Hotwife

Chapter 8: The Danger of reality

Chapter 9: Giving Up Swinging


Chapter 1: Antecedents and Influences

Chapter 2: Orgies as Seasonal Contraceptives?

Chapter 3: The Persistence of Orgies

Chapter 4: Dollymops and Midinettes

Chapter 5: 'Only Sex'

Chapter 6: Kissing and Fucking Considered as Fine Arts

Chapter 7: The Freedom of Forgiveness

Part IX

Chapter 1: All That Glisters...

Chapter 2: Birmigham--A Model

Chapter 3: Fun4Two

Chapter 4: Paradise Rejected

Chapter 5: having Your Cake and Eating it

Chapter 6: 'That Frivolous Pretence...'

Chapter 7: Elaboration, Adornment, Prolongation, Enrichment...

Chapter 8: A Cautious Commendation

Chapter 9: A Romantic Ending?

Chapter 10: A Romantic Beginning


About the Author


About the Publisher

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