Title Page
Prologue: Friday Night (Almost) Like Any Other
Part I. The Stonemason
Chapter One
1. Things Trains Bring
2. Che
3. Maggie and Ezra
4. Jared
5. Jared’s Wife
6. King’s, Ye Olde Market
7. Burial Grounds
8. 99 Red Balloons
Chapter Two
1. Things Which Are Seen
2. Othello
3. Aisle 12
4. “Moisten Your Head with Lubricant”
5. Between Childhood Friends
6. Loose Change
7. Ezra’s Boredom
8. A Birthday Gift
Chapter Three
1. 0–60 in 4.9 Seconds
2. Winter Gold
3. Perpetual Change
4. Waiting for Godot
5. The Navigation System
6. Much Ado About Nothing
7. Explanation of the Navigation
8. Auditing Safeguards
Chapter Four
1. Glad in the Guilt
2. A Dance to Lighten the Heart
3. All Else Shall Vanish
4. Jared and Larissa’s Dry Week
5. Kai’s Prayers
6. Surveillance, Electronic
7. Surveillance, Human
8. Much Ado on the Stage
Chapter Five
1. Split Rock
2. Spilled Milk
3. Simi and Eve
4. Family Fun in the Poconos
5. The Cagesweepers
6. Miami
7. Dracula
8. Love
Part II. Scylla and Charybdis
Chapter One
1. The Disappearance of Tenestra
2. Jonny and Stanley
3. Middle of the Night
4. Larissa the Epicurean
5. Doug’s Jaguar
Chapter Two
1. Paolo and Francesca
2. Stories on the Ceiling
3. Chris Chase
4. “Shall We Go?”
5. The Mungo Wilderness
Chapter Three
1. Heart Strings and Alice Springs
2. Mothers
3. Scylla and Charybdis
4. Fever Swamps
5. Before you Go
Part III. “Everything Must Go”
Chapter One
1. And Now for Something Completely Different
2. All Things Under Heaven
3. Lillypond
Chapter Two
1. Parenting Plus
2. Private Investigations
3. The Runaway Child
Part IV. Miss Silver City
Chapter One
1. The Walker
2. A Motherless Child
3. The Play
4. Happiness
5. Jared Stark
6. Land of the Dry Lakes
7. Pooncarie
8. Demon Ride
9. The Seven Ages of Larissa
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