


Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 9 - Second Edition电子书

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作       者:Javier Fernández González

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:65.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Master the principles to make applications robust, scalable and responsive About This Book ? Implement concurrent applications using the Java 9 Concurrency API and its new components ? Improve the performance of your applications and process more data at the same time, taking advantage of all of your resources ? Construct real-world examples related to machine learning, data mining, natural language processing, and more Who This Book Is For This book is for competent Java developers who have basic understanding of concurrency, but knowledge of effective implementation of concurrent programs or usage of streams for making processes more efficient is not required What You Will Learn ? Master the principles that every concurrent application must follow ? See how to parallelize a sequential algorithm to obtain better performance without data inconsistencies and deadlocks ? Get the most from the Java Concurrency API components ? Separate the thread management from the rest of the application with the Executor component ? Execute phased-based tasks in an efficient way with the Phaser components ? Solve problems using a parallelized version of the divide and conquer paradigm with the Fork / Join framework ? Find out how to use parallel Streams and Reactive Streams ? Implement the “map and reduce” and “map and collect” programming models ? Control the concurrent data structures and synchronization mechanisms provided by the Java Concurrency API ? Implement efficient solutions for some actual problems such as data mining, machine learning, and more In Detail Concurrency programming allows several large tasks to be divided into smaller sub-tasks, which are further processed as individual tasks that run in parallel. Java 9 includes a comprehensive API with lots of ready-to-use components for easily implementing powerful concurrency applications, but with high flexibility so you can adapt these components to your needs. The book starts with a full de*ion of the design principles of concurrent applications and explains how to parallelize a sequential algorithm. You will then be introduced to Threads and Runnables, which are an integral part of Java 9's concurrency API. You will see how to use all the components of the Java concurrency API, from the basics to the most advanced techniques, and will implement them in powerful real-world concurrency applications. The book ends with a detailed de*ion of the tools and techniques you can use to test a concurrent Java application, along with a brief insight into other concurrency mechanisms in JVM. Style and approach This is a complete guide that implements real-world examples of algorithms related to machine learning, data mining, and natural language processing in client/server environments. All the examples are explained using a step-by-step approach.

Title Page

Second Edition


Mastering Concurrency Programming with Java 9

Second Edition


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What this book covers

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The First Step - Concurrency Design Principles

Basic concurrency concepts

Concurrency versus parallelism


Immutable object

Atomic operations and variables

Shared memory versus message passing

Possible problems in concurrent applications

Data race



Resource starvation

Priority inversion

A methodology to design concurrent algorithms

The starting point - a sequential version of the algorithm

Step 1 - analysis

Step 2 - design

Step 3 - implementation

Step 4 - testing

Step 5 - tuning


Java Concurrency API

Basic concurrency classes

Synchronization mechanisms


The fork/join framework

Parallel streams

Concurrent data structures

Concurrency design patterns






Double-checked locking

Read-write lock

Thread pool

Thread local storage

Tips and tricks for designing concurrent algorithms

Identifying the correct independent tasks

Implementing concurrency at the highest possible level

Taking scalability into account

Using thread-safe APIs

Never assume an execution order

Preferring local thread variables over static and shared when possible

Finding the easier parallelizable version of the algorithm

Using immutable objects when possible

Avoiding deadlocks by ordering the locks

Using atomic variables instead of synchronization

Holding locks for as short a time as possible

Taking precautions using lazy initialization

Avoiding the use of blocking operations inside a critical section


Working with Basic Elements - Threads and Runnables

Threads in Java

Threads in Java - characteristics and states

The Thread class and the Runnable interface

First example: matrix multiplication

Common classes

Serial version

Parallel versions

First concurrent version - a thread per element

Second concurrent version - a thread per row

Third concurrent version - the number of threads is determined by the processors

Comparing the solutions

Second example - file search

Common classes

Serial version

Concurrent version

Comparing the solutions


Managing Lots of Threads - Executors

An introduction to executors

Basic characteristics of executors

Basic components of the Executor framework

First example - the k-nearest neighbors algorithm

k-nearest neighbors - serial version

K-nearest neighbors - a fine-grained concurrent version

k-nearest neighbors - a coarse-grained concurrent version

Comparing the solutions

Second example - concurrency in a client/server environment

Client/server - serial version

The DAO part

The command part

The server part

Client/version - parallel version

The server part

The command part

Extra components of the concurrent server

The status command

The cache system

The log system

Comparing the two solutions

Other methods of interest


Getting the Most from Executors

Advanced characteristics of executors

Cancellation of tasks

Scheduling the execution of tasks

Overriding the executor methods

Changing some initialization parameters

First example - an advanced server application

The ServerExecutor class

The statistics object

The rejected task controller

The executor tasks

The executor

The command classes

The ConcurrentCommand class

The concrete commands

The server part

The ConcurrentServer class

The RequestTask class

The client part

Second example - executing periodic tasks

The common parts

The basic reader

The advanced reader

Additional information about executors


Getting Data from Tasks - The Callable and Future Interfaces

Introducing the Callable and Future interfaces

The Callable interface

The Future interface

First example - a best-matching algorithm for words

The common classes

A best-matching algorithm - the serial version

The BestMatchingSerialCalculation class

The BestMachingSerialMain class

A best-matching algorithm - the first concurrent version

The BestMatchingBasicTask class

The BestMatchingBasicConcurrentCalculation class

A best-matching algorithm - the second concurrent version

Word exists algorithm - a serial version

The ExistSerialCalculation class

The ExistSerialMain class

Word exists algorithm - the concurrent version

The ExistBasicTasks class

The ExistBasicConcurrentCalculation class

The ExistBasicConcurrentMain class

Comparing the solutions

Best-matching algorithms

Exist algorithms

The second example - creating an inverted index for a collection of documents

Common classes

The Document class

The DocumentParser class

The serial version

The first concurrent version - a task per document

The IndexingTask class

The InvertedIndexTask class

The ConcurrentIndexing class

The second concurrent version - multiple documents per task

The MultipleIndexingTask class

The MultipleInvertedIndexTask class

The MultipleConcurrentIndexing class

Comparing the solutions

Other methods of interest


Running Tasks Divided into Phases - The Phaser Class

An introduction to the Phaser class

Registration and deregistration of participants

Synchronizing phase change

Other functionalities

First example - a keyword extraction algorithm

Common classes

The Word class

The Keyword class

The Document class

The DocumentParser class

The serial version

The concurrent version

The KeywordExtractionTask class

The ConcurrentKeywordExtraction class

Comparing the two solutions

The second example - a genetic algorithm

Common classes

The Individual class

The GeneticOperators class

The serial version

The SerialGeneticAlgorithm class

The SerialMain class

The concurrent version

The SharedData class

The GeneticPhaser class

The ConcurrentGeneticTask class

The ConcurrentGeneticAlgorithm class

The ConcurrentMain class

Comparing the two solutions

Lau15 dataset

Kn57 dataset



Optimizing Divide and Conquer Solutions - The Fork/Join Framework

An introduction to the fork/join framework

Basic characteristics of the fork/join framework

Limitations of the fork/join framework

Components of the fork/join framework

The first example - the k-means clustering algorithm

The common classes

The VocabularyLoader class

The word, document, and DocumentLoader classes

The DistanceMeasurer class

The DocumentCluster class

The serial version

The SerialKMeans class

The SerialMain class

The concurrent version

Two tasks for the fork/join framework - AssignmentTask and UpdateTask

The ConcurrentKMeans class

The ConcurrentMain class

Comparing the solutions

The second example - a data filtering algorithm

Common features

The serial version

The SerialSearch class

The SerialMain class

The concurrent version

The TaskManager class

The IndividualTask class

The ListTask class

The ConcurrentSearch class

The ConcurrentMain class

Comparing the two versions

The third example - the merge sort algorithm

Shared classes

The serial version

The SerialMergeSort class

The SerialMetaData class

The concurrent version

The MergeSortTask class

The ConcurrentMergeSort class

The ConcurrentMetaData class

Comparing the two versions

Other methods of the fork/join framework


Processing Massive Datasets with Parallel Streams - The Map and Reduce Model

An introduction to streams

Basic characteristics of streams

Sections of a stream

Sources of a stream

Intermediate operations

Terminal operations

MapReduce versus MapCollect

The first example - a numerical summarization application

The concurrent version

The ConcurrentDataLoader class

The ConcurrentStatistics class

Customers from the United Kingdom

Quantity from the United Kingdom

Countries for product

Quantity for product

Multiple data filter

Highest invoice amounts

Products with a unit price between 1 and 10

The ConcurrentMain class

The serial version

Comparing the two versions

The second example - an information retrieval search tool

An introduction to the reduction operation

The first approach - full document query

The basicMapper() method

The Token class

The QueryResult class

The second approach - reduced document query

The limitedMapper() method

The third approach - generating an HTML file with the results

The ContentMapper class

The fourth approach - preloading the inverted index

The ConcurrentFileLoader class

The fifth approach - using our own executor

Getting data from the inverted index - the ConcurrentData class

Getting the number of words in a file

Getting the average tfxidf value in a file

Getting the maximum and minimum tfxidf values in the index

The ConcurrentMain class

The serial version

Comparing the solutions


Processing Massive Datasets with Parallel Streams - The Map and Collect Model

Using streams to collect data

The collect() method

The first example - searching data without an index

Basic classes

The Product class

The Review class

The ProductLoader class

The first approach - basic search

The ConcurrentStringAccumulator class

The second approach - advanced search

The ConcurrentObjectAccumulator class

A serial implementation of the example

Comparing the implementations

The second example - a recommendation system

Common classes

The ProductReview class

The ProductRecommendation class

Recommendation system - the main class

The ConcurrentLoaderAccumulator class

The serial version

Comparing the two versions

The third example - common contacts in a social network

Base classes

The Person class

The PersonPair class

The DataLoader class

The concurrent version

The CommonPersonMapper class

The ConcurrentSocialNetwork class

The ConcurrentMain class

The serial version

Comparing the two versions


Asynchronous Stream Processing - Reactive Streams

Introduction to reactive streams in Java

The Flow.Publisher interface

The Flow.Subscriber interface

The Flow.Subscription interface

The SubmissionPublisher class

The first example - a centralized system for event notification

The Event class

The Producer class

The Consumer class

The Main class

The second example - a news system

The News class

The publisher classes

The Consumer class

The Main class


Diving into Concurrent Data Structures and Synchronization Utilities

Concurrent data structures

Blocking and non-blocking data structures

Concurrent data structures
















Using the new features

First example with ConcurrentHashMap

The forEach() method

The search() method

The reduce() method

The compute() method

Another example with ConcurrentHashMap

An example with the ConcurrentLinkedDeque class

The removeIf() method

The spliterator() method

Atomic variables

Variable handles

Synchronization mechanisms

The CommonTask class

The Lock interface

The Semaphore class

The CountDownLatch class

The CyclicBarrier class

The CompletableFuture class

Using the CompletableFuture class

Auxiliary tasks

The main() method


Testing and Monitoring Concurrent Applications

Monitoring concurrency objects

Monitoring a thread

Monitoring a lock

Monitoring an executor

Monitoring the fork/join framework

Monitoring a Phaser

Monitoring the Stream API

Monitoring concurrency applications

The Overview tab

The Memory tab

The Threads tab

The Classes tab

The VM summary tab

The MBeans tab

The About tab

Testing concurrency applications

Testing concurrent applications with MultithreadedTC

Testing concurrent applications with Java Pathfinder

Installing Java Pathfinder

Running Java Pathfinder


Concurrency in JVM - Clojure and Groovy with the Gpars Library and Scala

Concurrency in Clojure

Using Java elements

Reference types







Concurrency in Groovy with the GPars library

Software transactional memory

Using Java elements

Data parallelism

The fork/join processing




Concurrency in Scala

Future objects in Scala



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