



带上这本《图解一个人用英文去旅行》,去畅游全世界吧! Travel the World just with English & Me 超实用,10大旅行英语口语主题畅游世界 用心画,小清新手绘旅游英语指南 贴心赠,高品质旅行手账 中英双语朗读音频

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2963人正在读 | 2人评论 7.3

作       者:曼曦 著/绘

出  版  社:化学工业出版社


字       数:9.7万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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《图解一个人用英文去旅行》送给要畅游世界的你 N个礼物! 【全手绘彩图旅游英语】 这是本超实用英语口语书,也是本小清新旅行指南,带上它准备出发吧! 【更实用的旅游英语口语】 你会听到的话、你会说到的话、你要知道的事 【超多旅行达人畅游秘籍】 如何顺利通过美国面签、怎么票*省钱、机场退税的秘密…… 【全书中英双语朗读MP3】 磨磨耳朵、练练听力,动动嘴巴、说说口语,英语听说水平UP UP! 【超值附赠 旅行手账】 用照片、票根、涂鸦、文字记录下你的美好旅程,DIY你的独家旅行日记!<br/>【推荐语】<br/>    带上这本《图解一个人用英文去旅行》,去畅游全世界吧! Travel the World just with English & Me 超实用,10大旅行英语口语主题畅游世界 用心画,小清新手绘旅游英语指南 贴心赠,高品质旅行手账 中英双语朗读音频<br/>【作者】<br/>曼曦 Sara MSG 思维天马行空的水瓶座北京女生 自幼酷爱绘画和英语,整个童年都在涂涂画画、背古诗读英语童话,大学留学澳洲4年,其间游历各国走走画画,特别喜欢去欧洲、东亚各国旅行 画风治愈,温馨,充满童真,本能中喜欢寻找世界的美好,对于用可爱笔触记录旅行过程、画出童话一般的手账,把英语用轻松搞笑的画来讲明白这件事无比热爱,梦想是成为一名治愈心灵的插画师和“造梦者”<br/>



第一章 准备好去世界各地旅游吧

1 出发前必备基础会话

SCENE 1 打扰一下。 Excuse me.

SCENE 2 你能帮我一个忙吗? Could you do me a favor?

SCENE 3 你好吗? How are you doing?

SCENE 4 很高兴认识你! It was good to meet you!

SCENE 5 对不起! I'm sorry!

SCENE 6 这是什么牌子? Which brand is this?

SCENE 7 现在几点了? What time is it?

2 时间、数量、颜色和形状

SCENE 1 如何说时间? How to talk about time?

SCENE 2 如何说数量? How to talk about quantity?

SCENE 3 如何说颜色与形状? How to talk about color & shape?

3 如何在旅行社订票

SCENE 1 我想预订一张机票(这几天暂不出票)。 I'd like to reserve a ticket for a couple of days.

SCENE 2 这张票能预留几天? How long can you hold the ticket?

SCENE 3 我想要一张往返票。 I'd like to buy a round trip ticket.

SCENE 4 能帮我出票吗? Can you issue my ticket, please?

SCENE 5 我想确认一下我的航班。 I would like to confirm my flight.

SCENE 6 我想确认一下我的预约。 I'd like to confirm my reservation.

4 出发前需要检查的东西

第二章 准备好了吗?出发吧

1 办理登机手续和登机

SCENE 1 出发步骤 Departure processes

SCENE 2 应该到哪里办理登机手续? Where is the check-in counter?

SCENE 3 能给我一个靠窗的座位吗? Could I have a window seat?

SCENE 4 我想托运这3件行李。I'd like to check in these three luggage.

SCENE 5 你的包里有电子产品吗?Do you have any electronics in your bags?

SCENE 6 可以让一位女性安检员来做检查吗? Can I have a female officer to do the body check?

2 转机

SCENE 1 可以请您出示您的护照和登机牌吗? May I see your passport and boarding pass, please?

SCENE 2 请问,去3号航站楼的电动列车在哪里? Excuse me, where is the electric train station to Terminal 3?

SCENE 3 请问,你们有电源插座吗? Excuse me, Do you have plug seat?

SCENE 4 请问,餐馆在哪里?Excuse me, where is the restaurant?

SCENE 5 请问,购物区在哪里? Excuse me, where is the shopping areas?

3 在飞机上

SCENE 1 请问,你能帮我放一下行李吗? Excuse me, could you help me with my luggage?

SCENE 2 我要一杯威士忌。 I'd like a whisky.

SCENE 3 我要一份咖喱鸡饭。 I'd like a Curry Chicken with Steamed Rice.


第三章 入境啦

1 过海关的步骤

SCENE 1 着陆之后,跟随着标识“国际到达”到“入境和通关”处

SCENE 2 入境的第一步是移民局(入境检查) First step is Immigration

SCENE 3 提取行李 Baggage claim

SCENE 4 取行李之后一站是海关 Claim your bags then next stop is at Customs

2 机场问讯处

SCENE 1 请问,出租车站在哪里? Excuse me, where is the cab stand?

SCENE 2 如何使用公用电话亭? Excuse me, how to use the phone booth?

SCENE 3 外币兑换处在哪里? Where is the currency exchange place?

第四章 酒店很不错哦

1 出发前必备基础会话

SCENE 1 我想办理入住。 I'd like to check in please.

SCENE 2 小费如何给酒店里的门童(Bellboy)

SCENE 3 你有空房间吗? Do you have any vacancies?

2 酒店里的服务

SCENE 1 酒店里的各种设施 Various facilities in a Hotel

SCENE 2 我有一些衬衫要洗。I have some shirts that need laundering.

SCENE 3 客房清理!现在可以进来吗? Housekeeping! May I come in now?

SCENE 4 如何给酒店服务员(Hotel Maid)小费?

SCENE 5 我想点明早的早餐。I'd like to order breakfast for tomorrow morning.

SCENE 6 ……坏了,你能派人来修一下吗? ... isn't working. Could you send someone to fix it?

SCENE 7 你能送一下……到我房间吗?Could you send some...to my room?

SCENE 8 你有急救箱吗? Do you have a first aid kit?

SCENE 9 其他服务 Other services

SCENE 10 投诉:我想我的……丢失了 complaint: I think I lost my ...

SCENE 11 谁是金钥匙(礼宾部、门房人)? Who's Concierge?

3 退房

SCENE 1 请帮我办退房。 I'd like to check out, please.

第五章 问路

1 问路

SCENE 1 怎么去惠灵顿博物馆? How do I get to Wellington Museum?

2 在售票中心买票

SCENE 1 我想买一张周旅行卡。 Excuse me, can I have a 7 Days Travelcard.

SCENE 2 不好意思,请问售票处在哪里? Excuse me, where is the station booth?

SCENE 3 你好,请帮我充值10镑。 Hello, top up 10 pounds please.

SCENE 4 这班巴士会在伦敦桥停吗? Does this bus stop at London bridge?

3 乘坐出租车

SCENE 1 请派一辆出租车到皮卡迪利街的丽兹酒店,下午2点30分到。 Could you send a taxi to the Ritz Hotel at Piccadilly street at 2:30 p.m., please.

SCENE 2 能帮我叫一辆出租车吗?Excuse me, could you help me to call a taxi?

4 乘坐火车

SCENE 1 哪里可以买火车票? Where could I buy a train ticket?

SCENE 2 著名的英国-欧洲火车

SCENE 3 如何购买英国火车票

SCENE 4 请问,9号站台在哪里?Excuse me, where is the platform 9?

SCENE 5 专门为外国游客提供的车票(BritRail Pass)


第六章 旅游胜地在哪里

1 游览景点

SCENE 1 博物馆几点开门? What time does the museum open?

SCENE 2 门票多少钱? How much is the entrance fee?

SCENE 3 这里有没有语音导游? Is there an audio tour guide?

2 旅游景点与指南

SCENE 1 伦敦必玩景点 Tourist attractions in London

SCENE 2 纽约必玩景点 Tourist attractions in New York City

SCENE 3 澳大利亚必玩景点 Tourist Attractions in Australia

第七章 我们出去吃吧

1 订桌位

SCENE 1 我想预订一张两人桌,明晚9点。 I'd like to book a double table at 9 p.m. tomorrow night, please.

SCENE 2 请问有四人桌吗? Can we get a table for four people, please?

2 如何在餐馆点餐

SCENE 1 餐前 Before dinner

SCENE 2 我要一份主厨沙拉,谢谢。 I'd like to have the chef's salad, please.

SCENE 3 今天的特色菜是什么? What's the special dish today?

SCENE 4 这个菜可以把肉去掉吗? Can I have it without meat?

SCENE 5 能在餐前来一杯香槟吗? Can I have a glass of champagne before our meal?

SCENE 6 我能把这个打包带走吗? Can I get this to go?

SCENE 7 买单,谢谢。 Can we get the check, please!

3 咖啡厅和小餐厅

SCENE 1 我能点一块栗子蛋糕吗? Can I have a slice of chestnut cake?

SCENE 2 (星巴克用语)我要一个超大杯的豆奶拿铁。 Can I have a Venti soy latte, please.

4 让我们随便找点吃的东西吧

SCENE 1 给我一个巨无霸,不要酸黄瓜和洋葱。 May I have a Big Mac minus pickles and onion?

第八章 我们去购物吧

1 购物用语

SCENE 1 请问,在哪里能找到这个城市的香奈儿精品店? Excuse me, where can I find the Chanel Boutique in this city?

SCENE 2 我想买…… I'm looking for ...

SCENE 3 这个能退货/换货吗? Is this can be returned /changed?

2 化妆品

SCENE 1 你有香奈儿最新的香水吗? Excuse me, do you have the latest Chanel perfume?

SCENE 2 哪个可以缩小毛孔/ 抚平软化细纹和皱纹? Which one can minimize pores/ smooth and soften fine lines and wrinkles ?

3 衣服和鞋子

SCENE 1 我找不到我的尺码,你能帮我找一下吗? I can't find my size. Can you help me to find it out?

SCENE 2 它是什么材质的? What is it made of ?

4 手表和珠宝

SCENE 1 我想看看手动机械表。 I'm looking for a mechanical watch.

SCENE 2 这个有铂金的吗? Do you have this in Platinum?

5 书店

SCENE 有皮革精装的《战争与和平》吗? Do you have leather bound edition ofWar and Peace, please?

6 超市和蔬菜店、水果店

SCENE 1 这个超市晚上几点关门? What time does the supermarket close in the evening?

SCENE 2 总共多少钱? How much does that come to?

7 讲价

SCENE 你能便宜一点吗? Can you give me a better deal/ price?

第九章 银行 邮局 诊所

1 银行

SCENE 1 我想取一些钱。 I'd like to withdraw some money.

SCENE 2 我想把人民币换成欧元。 I'd like to change some Chinese Yuan into Euros.

2 邮局

SCENE 寄到北京的快递是多少钱? What's the postage for a express mail to Beijing ?

3 诊所

SCENE 1 这附近有24小时诊所吗? Is there a 24-hour clinic around here?

SCENE 2 能预约一下时间吗? Can I make an appointment?

SCENE 3 我的鼻子堵了。 My nose is congested.

4 紧急情况

SCENE 1 请帮我叫一辆救护车! Please call an ambulance for me!

SCENE 2 我要报案一起抢劫 / 盗窃。 I want to report a robbery / theft.

SCENE 3我要联系我们国家的使馆 / 领事馆。I want to contact my embassy/consulate.

第十章 退税

1 在商店

SCENE 1 如何退增值税 / 消费税? How to get a VAT/GST refund on purchases?

2 在机场

SCENE 1 请问,在哪里能得到退税海关章 Excuse me, where can I get the customs stamp?

SCENE 2 退税点在哪里? Excuse me, where is the tax/ VAT / GST refund counter?

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