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Title Page
Table of Contents
A Look Back: A Colorful Past, a Quirky Present
Remember When: Jackie Shinn
A Naval Neighbor
A Story of Family and Farming: Mildred Grigsby
The Family Farm
A Lifetime of Friendship: Jackie Curtis and Jessie Hall
Serving Community and Country: Carlton Hudson and Pat Fitzgerald
Changing Times: Burkett Lyburn
Right Side of the Law: Michael Mayo
A Whole Different World: The Sydnors
A Loaf of Bread, Penny Candy…and Freedom
A Long Line of Merchants: The Densons
From King Cotton to Penny Candy: Marguerite Staples
Business Reality: Potomac Sunrise
The Town’s Welcome Mat: From Grandeur to Cozy B And Bs
Make No Mistake, It’s a Motor Court, Not a Motel: Ellie Caruthers
By the Sea, By the Sea
A Life Built Around Oysters: The Curleys
Sand in their Shoes: The Mears Family
A Fish Tale: Alberta Parkinson
A Come-Here Who Stayed: Diana Pearson
Building Boats…and a Future: Mary Virginia Stanford
Muskrat Ramble: Mike Stine
Creating a Small-Town Atmosphere: The Potomac River Festival and More
The Oyster Wars
A Night That Ended in a Hail of Bullets: Pete and Sugie Green
Food for the Soul
A Name Synonymous with Seafood: The Wilkersons
Las Vegas on the Potomac
Gambling on a Dream: Sandra Conner Scroggs
A Community’s Spirit
Drifter Pride: Wayne Kennedy and Steve Swope
Photo Credits