


Serverless Web Applications with React and Firebase电子书

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9人正在读 | 0人评论 6.2

作       者:Harmeet Singh,Mayur Tanna

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:29.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Build rich and collaborative applications using client-side code with React, Redux, and Firebase About This Book ? A practical guide covering the full stack for web development with React 16 and Firebase ? Leverage the power of Firebase Cloud Storage, messaging, functions, OAuth, and database security to develop serverless web applications. ? Develop high-performance applications without the hassle of setting up complex web infrastructure. Who This Book Is For This book is for JavaScript developers who have some previous knowledge of React and want to develop serverless, full-stack applications but without the hassle of setting up a complex infrastructure. What You Will Learn ? Install powerful React.js and Firebase tools to make development much more efficient ? Create React components with Firebase to save and retrieve the data in real-time ? Use Firebase Authentication to make your React user interface secure ? Develop React and Firebase applications with Redux integration ? Firebase database security rules ? Firebase Cloud Storage Integration to upload and store data on the cloud ? Create a complete real-time application with React and firebase ? Using Firebase Cloud messaging and Cloud functions with React ? Firebase Cloud Storage integration with React In Detail ReactJS is a wonderful framework for UI development. Firebase as a backend with React is a great choice as it is easy, powerful, and provides great developer experience. It removes a lot of boilerplate code from your app and allows you to focus on your app to get it out quickly to users. Firebase with React is also a good choice for Most Viable Product (MVP) development. This book provides more practical insights rather than just theoretical concepts and includes basic to advanced examples – from hello world to a real-time seat booking app and Helpdesk application This book will cover the essentials of Firebase and React.js and will take you on a fast-paced journey through building real-time applications with Firebase features such as Cloud Storage, Cloud Function, Hosting and the Realtime Database. We will learn how to secure our application by using Firebase authentication and database security rules. We will leverage the power of Redux to organize data in the front-end, since Redux attempts to make state mutations predictable by imposing certain restrictions on how and when updates can happen. Towards the end of the book you will have improved your React skills by realizing the potential of Firebase to create real-time serverless web applications. Style and approach Practical insights rather than just theoretical concepts while including basic to advanced examples – from hello world to a real-time seat booking app and Helpdesk application.

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Serverless Web Applications with React and Firebase

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Getting Started with Firebase and React


Component lifecycle

Methods info

The constructor() method

The render() method

The componentWillMount() method

The componentDidMount() method

The componentWillReceiveProps() method

The shouldComponentUpdate() method

The componentWillUpdate() method

The componentDidUpdate() method

The componentWillUnmount() method

The componentDidCatch() method


Realtime Database

Database rules



Cloud Firestore

Security rules

Difference between Realtime Database and Cloud Firestore

Data model

Real-time and offline support


Reliability and performance



Crash reporting


FirebaseUI authentication for web

Cloud Functions

How does it work?

Cloud Storage


Test lab for Android

Performance Monitoring

Google Analytics

Cloud Messaging

Dynamic Links

Remote config


App indexing



Getting started with Firebase

Firebase events







Integrate React App with Firebase

Setting up the environment

Installing React

Using React

React components

What is JSX in React?

Advantages of using JSX in React

How to make your code neat and clean

React Form with JSX

Using React-Bootstrap

Add Ticket Form with React-Bootstrap

Firebase with React

Props and state

The Ref attribute


Authentication with Firebase

React and Firebase setup with Node.Js

Firebase configuration for authentication

Authentication with Facebook

Creating a login form with React for authentication

Authentication with Facebook

Authentication with Google

Handling account exists errors

Managing the Login across Refresh

Authentication with email and password

Supported types of Auth state persistence


Connecting React to Redux and Firebase

React setup

Integrating Firebase Realtime Database

What is Redux?

Presentational and Container components

Basics of Redux


Action creators



Data flow

Advanced topics in Redux

Seat booking with Redux


User Profile and Access Management

Setting up Firebase Admin SDK

Firebase CLI


Firebase Admin Integration

Using the Firebase Admin Auth API with React

Initializing the Admin SDK

Creating and verifying custom token

Custom claims for admin access and security rules

Adding custom claim with Admin SDK

Verifying custom claim with Admin SDK sending the app

How data is structured in a JSON tree


Firebase Security and Rules

Security risks and prevention

How secure is your Firebase?

Realtime Database Rules Overview



Data validation

Rule definition and structure

Query-based rules

Data indexing



Restoring from backups


Using Firebase Cloud Messaging and Cloud Functions with React

Firebase Cloud Messaging (FCM)

Key features of FCM

Sending downstream messages

Sending upstream messages

Versatile message targeting

FCM messages

Setup of Firebase for Javascript web app

Installing Firebase and Firebase CLI

Configuring the browser to receive messages

Client app setup to receive notifications

Server setup to send the notifications

Cloud Functions

Key features of Cloud Functions

Seamless integration with other Firebase Products and third-party APIs

No server to maintain

Private and secure

Life cycle of a function

Setup of Firebase SDK for Cloud Functions

Firebase CLI

Initializing the Firebase Cloud project

Deployment and execution of Cloud Function

Triggering Functions

Realtime Database Triggers

Authentication triggers

Cloud Storage Triggers

HTTP Triggers

Cloud Firestore Triggers

Function termination


Firebase Cloud Storage

Google Cloud Storage

Key features of Google Cloud Storage

Key concepts




Object immutability

Storage classes

Multi regional storage

Regional storage

Nearline storage

Coldline storage

Standard storage

Life Cycle Management

APIs and tools

Access control

Key features of Cloud Storage for Firebase

How does it work?

Setting up the Cloud Storage

Upload Files

Adding file metadata

Managing uploads and error handling

Downloading files

Deleting files

Google App Engine

Firebase hosting

Deploying your site


Best Practices

Best practices with Firebase

Writing the data

Avoid nesting data

Flattern data structure

Avoid arrays

Date object

Custom claims

Managing the user session

Enabling offline capabilities in JavaScript

Optimize database performance

Monitor Realtime Database

Improve performance by metric

Connect your app to multiple database instances

Best practices with React and Redux

Use of Redux

Difference between Redux and Flux

Immutable React State

React Routing

JSX components

Semantics / structured syntax

Use of PropType in React component

Benefit of higher-order components

Redux Architecture benefits


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