


C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Blueprints电子书

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作       者:Dirk Strauss,Jas Rademeyer

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:27.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 电脑/网络



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Leverage the features of C# 7 and .NET core 2.0 to build real-world .NET core applications About This Book ? See how to incorporate Entity Framework Core to build ASP .NET core MVC application ? Get hands-on SignalR and NuGet packages ? Work with Reactive Extensions (Rx.Net) using the elasticsearch tool ? Get hands-on with .NET Core MVC, Middleware, Controllers, Views, Layouts, Routing, and authentication ? Implement Azure Service Fabric and Microservices and AWS, S3,Serverless computing ? Work on .NET Core cross-platform functionality ? Run a .NET Core MVC application with Docker compose ? Easy-to-follow real-world projects that get you up and running with the new features of C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 ? The practical applications will assist you with concepts such as Entity Framework Core, serverless computing, microservices, and more in .NET Core 2.0 ? Explore the workings of Rx.Net and build cross-platform mobile applications using Xamarin Who This Book Is For This book is for .NET developers who would like to master and implement C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 with practical projects. Basic knowledge of .NET Core and C# is assumed. What You Will Learn ? How to incorporate Entity Framework Core to build ASP .NET Core MVC applications ? Get hands-on experience with SignalR, and NuGet packages ? Working with MongoDB in your ASP.NET Core MVC application ? Get hands-on experience with .NET Core MVC, Middleware, Controllers, Views, Layouts, Routing, and OAuth ? Implementing Azure Functions and learn what Serverless computing means ? See how .NET Core enables cross-platform applications that run on Windows, macOS and Linux ? Running a .NET Core MVC application with Docker Compose In Detail NET Core is a general purpose, modular, cross-platform, and open source implementation of .NET. With the latest release of .NET Core, many more APIs are expected to show up, which will make APIs consistent across .Net Framework, .NET Core, and Xamarin. This step-by-step guide will teach you the essential .NET Core and C# concepts with the help of real-world projects. The book starts with a brief introduction to the latest features of C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 before moving on to explain how C# 7 can be implemented using the object-oriented paradigm. You'll learn to work with relational data using Entity Framework and see how to use ASP.NET Core practically. This book will show you how .NET Core allows the creations of cross-platform applications. You'll also learn about SignalR to add real-time functionality to your application. Then you will see how to use MongoDB and how to implement MongoDB into your applications. You'll learn about serverless computing and OAuth concepts, along with running ASP.NET Core applications with Docker Compose. This project-based guide uses practical applications to demonstrate these concepts. By the end of the book, you'll be profcient in developing applications using .NET Core 2.0 Style and approach This comprehensive guide uses 11 real-world practical projects to implement .NET Core and C# concepts step by step.

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C# 7 and .NET Core 2.0 Blueprints


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eBook Manager and Catalogue App

Setting up the project

Virtual Storage Spaces and extension methods

The DocumentEngine class

The ImportBooks form

Expression-bodied accessors, constructors, and finalizers

Populating the TreeView control

Local functions

Pattern matching

Finishing up the ImportBooks code

Throw expressions

Saving a selected book to a storage space

Main eBookManager form

Running the eBookManager application


Cricket Score Calculator and Tracker

Setting up the project

Object-oriented programming



Compile-time polymorphism versus run-time polymorphism



Encapsulation versus abstraction

Classes in Cricket Score Tracker

Abstract classes



Putting it all together

SOLID design principles

Single responsibility principle

Open/closed principle


Cross Platform .NET Core System Info Manager

Setting up the project on Windows

The project in detail


The Startup.cs file

The InformationModel class

The InformationController class

The GetInfo view

Running the application on macOS

Setting up the app on Linux


Task Bug Logging ASP .NET Core MVC App

What are the benefits of using MongoDB?

Faster development with MongoDB

Career–enhancing skillset

MongoDB is ranked well in the industry

Setting up MongoDB on your local machine

Connecting your ASP.NET Core MVC application to MongoDB

Adding the NuGet package

Creating the MongoDbRepository class

Reading and writing data to MongoDB

Creating the interfaces and Work ItemService

Creating the view

Modifying the HomeController

Adding work items

Redirecting to the list of work items


ASP.NET SignalR Chat Application

Project layout

Setting up the project

Adding the SignalR libraries

Building the server

SignalR Hub subclass

Configuration changes

Creating a client

Included libraries

Naming section

Chat input

Conversation panel

Archive function

JavaScript functions

Solution overview

Showing and telling

Running the application

Getting the party started

Archiving the chat


Web Research Tool with Entity Framework Core

Entity Framework (EF) Core history

Enter Entity Framework

Code-First versus Model-First versus Database-First approach

Code-First approach

Model-First approach

Database-First approach

Developing a database design

Setting up the project

Installing the required packages

Entity Framework Core SQL Server

Entity Framework Core tools

Code generation design

Creating the models

Configuring the services

Creating the database

Seeding the database with test data

Creating the controller

Running the application

Deploying the application

Microsoft Azure App Service

Custom targets


Web Deploy

Web Deploy Package

File System


Import Profile


A Serverless Email Validation Azure Function

Beginning with serverless computing

Importance of serverless computing

Features of Azure Functions

Choice of languages

Pay-per-use pricing

Flexible development

What types of Azure Functions can I create?

Creating an Azure Function

Modifying the Azure Function code

Calling an Azure Function from an ASP.NET Core MVC application

Creating the login form

Hooking it all up


Twitter Clone Using OAuth

Using Tweetinvi

The ASP.NET Core MVC Twitter clone application

Creating your application on Twitter

Creating the ASP.NET Core MVC Application and adding the NuGet package

Let's code

Setting up the classes and settings

Creating the TweetItem class

Setting up the CSS

Adding the controllers

Creating views

Modifying HomeController

Creating the TwitterViewModel class

Creating the HomeTimeline view

Modifying the TwitterController class

Finishing up—the ComposeTweet view

Running the CoreTwitter application


Using Docker and ASP.NET Core

What is Docker?

Images and containers

Where does Docker run?

How Docker benefits web developers

Installing Docker on Windows 10 Pro

Understanding Docker

Running an ASP.NET Core application from Visual Studio 2017 inside Docker

Adding Docker support to an existing ASP.NET Core application

Using Docker Hub with GitHub


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