1 Introduction(导论)
1.1 Some Definitions(若干定义)
1.2 Sequence of Processes in the Project(项目中的过程顺序)
1.3 The Project Life Cycle(项目寿命周期)
1.4 Selection of Professional Services(职业服务的选择)
1.5 Construction Contractors(施工承包商)
1.6 Financing of Constructed Facilities(竣工设施的融资)
1.7 Legal and Regulatory Requirements(法律与监管要求)
1.8 The Changing Environment of the Construction Industry(变化的建筑业环境)
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2 Organizing for Project Management(项目管理的组织)
2.1 Trends in Modern Management(现代项目管理的趋势)
2.2 Strategic Planning and Project Programming(战略规划和项目计划)
2.3 Effects of Project Risks on Organization(项目风险对组织的影响)
2.4 Organization of Project Participants(项目参与方的组织)
2.5 The Role of PMs(项目经理的角色)
2.6 Leadership and Motivation for the Project Team(项目团队的领导与激励)
2.7 Interpersonal Behavior in Project Organizations(项目组织中的人际行为)
2.8 Perceptions of Owners and Contractors(业主和承包商的感受)
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3 The Design and Construction Process(设计和施工过程)
3.1 Pre-project Planning(项目前规划)
3.2 Design and Construction as an Integrated System(设计和施工作为一个集成的系统)
3.3 Innovation and Feasibility(创新和可行性)
3.4 Design(设计)
3.5 Construction Planning(施工规划)
3.6 Industrialized Construction and Pre-fabrication(工业化施工和预制)
3.7 Computer-aided Engineering(计算机辅助工程)
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4 Labor, Material and Equipment Utilization(劳工、材料和设备利用)
4.1 Historical Perspective(历史方面)
4.2 Labor Productivity(劳动生产率)
4.3 Materials Management(材料管理)
4.4 Construction Equipment(施工设备)
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5 Cost Estimation(成本估算)
5.1 Costs Associated with Constructed Facilities(与竣工设施相关的成本)
5.2 Approaches to Cost Estimation(成本估算方法)
5.3 Types of Construction Cost Estimates(施工成本估算的类型)
5.4 Effects of Scale on Construction Cost(规模对施工成本的影响)
5.5 Unit Cost Method of Estimation(单位成本估算法)
5.6 Historical Cost Data(历史成本数据)
5.7 Cost Indices and Their Applications to Estimating(成本指数及其在成本估算中的应用)
5.8 Estimate Based on Engineer's List of Quantities(基于工程师工程量清单的成本估计)
5.9 Allocation of Construction Costs Over Time(不同时期的施工成本分配)
5.10 Computer-aided Cost Estimation(计算机辅助成本估计)
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6 Construction Planning(施工规划)
6.1 Basic Concepts in the Development of Construction Plans(编制施工计划的基本概念)
6.2 Choice of Technology and Construction Method(技术选择与施工方法)
6.3 Defining Work Tasks(定义工作任务)
6.4 Defining Precedence Relationships Among Activities(定义活动之间的居前关系)
6.5 Estimating Activity Durations(估计活动持续时间)
6.6 Estimating Resource Requirements for Work Activities(估计工作活动的资源需求)
6.7 Coding Systems(编码系统)
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7 Scheduling Techniques(进度计划技术)
7.1 Relevance of Construction Schedules(施工进度计划的相关性)
7.2 The Critical Path Method(关键线路法)
7.3 Resource Oriented Scheduling(面向资源的进度计划)
7.4 Crashing and Time/Cost Tradeoffs(工期压缩和时间/成本比较)
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8 Construction Quality Management and Safety Management(施工质量管理和安全管理)
8.1 Introduction(概述)
8.2 Construction Quality(施工质量)
8.3 Construction Safety(施工安全)
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9 Project Impact on the Environment(项目对环境的影响)
9.1 Introduction(概述)
9.2 The Environment Importance in Projects(项目中环境的重要性)
9.3 Detection of Impacts Produced by a Project(检测项目产生的影响)
9.4 Impact Identification and Control(影响识别和控制)
9.5 Case Study: Construction of a Dam for a Hydroelectric Project(案例研究:水电项目中大坝的施工)
9.6 Closing a Project(项目收尾)
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10 Project Monitoring and Control(项目监控)
10.1 The Monitoring Process(监测过程)
10.2 Measurement of Actual Progress(实际进展衡量)
10.3 Performance Measurement: Earned Value Analysis(绩效衡量:挣值分析)
10.4 Forecasting Performance(预测绩效)
10.5 Project Reporting(项目报告)
10.6 Areas of Project Control(项目控制领域)
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