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作       者:许轶

出  版  社:机械工业出版社


字       数:7.6万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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      为了帮助托福考生在短时间内取得托福独立写作高分,本书通过对历年真题的梳理分析,并对近几年托福独立写作的整理筛选,汇总105篇高频写作话题,并将这些话题按照重要程度依次划分至7天学习内容。每天10篇真题分析以及5篇强化练习,每篇均从审题和思路拓展两个方面手,帮助考生在7天内深分析解题思路,逐步实现高分应答。<br/>【作者】<br/>许轶 时代焦联合创始人兼CEO。斯坦福大学MBA,芝加哥大学国际关系硕士。原新东方名师、总裁办助理。《斯坦福日记》作者。曾和杨澜一起做为海归精英受CCTV “大洋彼岸”纪录片采访,并和雷军、崔永元等参加北京Tedx论坛,为学生规划职业道路。 许轶毕业于美国斯坦福商学院,师从美国股神巴菲特,闯荡华尔街投行高盛和瑞士信贷数年。携巨资回国创办中国*留学培训公司——时代焦教育,被称为“新版中国合伙人”。 时代焦GRE和留学培训专注于高端,每年大量成功学院问鼎GRE330和美国*名校录取。 杨雅坤 时代焦教育托福写作组组长,托福写作资深讲师;时代焦教育托福写作机经委员会成员,参与近几年每一场托福写作考试机经分析;参与编写《TOEFL TPO34官方试题及权威讲解》,托福写作满分获得者。崇尚的教学理念:突破“没有内容可写,大脑一片空白”,破根深蒂固的“中式英语”,让输出更地道,短期内有效提高托福写作分数。<br/>



Day 1

Doing schoolwork

Most important characteristic for leaders

Providing financial support for artists

Facilities vs. teachers

Taking part-time jobs

TV programs made in our own country vs.foreign countries

Pubic recognition vs. money

Praising good people and punishing bad people

Competition vs friendship

Low salary job vs. high salary job

Using private cars vs. public transportation

Challenging dreams vs. realistic dreams

Pay fees for driving or not

Artists vs. political leaders(society)

Simpler life vs.complicated life(technology)

Day 2

Negative effects vs.positive effects of television programs

Advice from older friends vs.peers

Accept idea or not

Playing vs.schoolwork

Being polite to others

Friendlier than in the past

Money vs. friendship

Cars vs.airplanes

Large-size party vs.small-size party

Being patient or not

Assign homework everyday

Building new house vs.preserving old buildings

Educate vs.entertain(television)

Using mobile phones

Main cause of unhealthy eating habits

Day 3

Job vs. social life(happiness)

Posing photos on social network sites

Try different jobs before long career

Movies vs. physical exercises(relax)

Work/travel before university

Movies that are worth watching

Urban areas vs.rural areas(take care of family)

Tutor vs. friends(ask for help)

Motivation of businesspeople

University attracts good students

Improve the quality of education

Free time

Using own knowledge vs. asking others

The most significant thing people learn

Most significant thing to improve health care

Day 4

Many skills vs. one skill

Get to pnow a country

Company investment

Solve environmental pollution

Dependence of young people

Relationship between neat room and success

Factors of effective leaders

Telling the truth

Pay for public transportation

How to solve environmental issues

Printed books vs.electronic books

Factor of success in life

Lessons of playing sports

TV vs. newspaper(news)


Day 5

One project vs.many projects

Importance of family reunion

Following stars

Education of people

Move to a new city

Take non-major classes

Like others vs. different from others

City vs. countryside

Get to know others

Buy things made in our own country

Telephones vs. televisions

Ability to read and write

Cannot do things well

Protect energy

Family vs.friends(influence)

Day 6

Cooking time

Email vs. telephone

Follow world news

Relax while doing homework

Involved in politics

Good jobs vs.famous professors

Main role of professors

Today vs. past(healthy food)

Adaptation vs. knowledge

Solve most important problems

Young people vs.older people(enjoy life)

Set strict rules

Understanding children

Solar energy vs.traditional energy

Three or four classes vs.many classes

Day 7

Planning ability

Now vs. past(teaching)

Past vs.today(staying healthy)

Advertising is not useful

Intelligent friends vs.humorous friends

Malls vs.small shops

Wearing uniforms

Old vs.young(learning new things)

Theaters vs.home(watch movies)

Office vs. home(work)

The way to truly relax

Difficult classes vs.easy classes

Large company vs.small company

Career service for students

More time for studying


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