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Graduation Day
The Vision of Philip Dru
Lost in the Desert
The Supremacy of Mind
The Tragedy of the Turners
The Prophet of a New Day
The Winning of a Medal
The Story of the Levinskys
Philip Begins a New Career
Gloria Decides to Proselyte the Rich
Selwyn Plots with Thor
Selwyn Seeks a Candidate
Dru and Selwyn Meet
The Making of a President
The Exultant Conspirators
The Exposure
Selwyn and Thor Defend Themselves
Gloria’s Work Bears Fruit
War Clouds Hover
Civil War Begins
Upon the Eve of Battle
The Battle of Elma
Elma’s Aftermath
Uncrowned Heroes
The Administrator of the Republic
Dru Outlines His Intentions
A New Era at Washington
An International Crisis
The Reform of the Judiciary
A New Code of Laws
The Question of Taxation
A Federal Incorporation Act
The Railroad Problem
Selwyn’s Story
Selwyn’s Story, Continued
Selwyn’s Story, Continued
The Cotton Corner
Universal Suffrage
A Negative Government
A Departure in Battleships
The New National Constitution
New State Constitutions
The Rule of the Bosses
One Cause of the High Cost of Living
Burial Reform
The Wise Disposition of a Fortune
The Wise Disposition of a Fortune, Continued
An International Coalition
Uneven Odds
The Broadening of the Monroe Doctrine
The Battle of La Tuna
The Unity of the Northern Half of the Western Hemisphere Under the New Republic
The Effacement of Philip Dru
What Co-Partnership Can Do