


Qt 5 and OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Projects电子书

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作       者:Qingliang Zhuo

出  版  社:Packt Publishing


字       数:41.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Create image processing, object detection and face recognition apps by leveraging the power of machine learning and deep learning with OpenCV 4 and Qt 5 Key Features ?Gain practical insights into code for all projects covered in this book ?Understand modern computer vision concepts such as character recognition, image processing and modification ?Learn to use a graphics processing unit (GPU) and its parallel processing power for filtering images quickly Book Description OpenCV and Qt have proven to be a winning combination for developing cross-platform computer vision applications. By leveraging their power, you can create robust applications with both an intuitive graphical user interface (GUI) and high-performance capabilities. This book will help you learn through a variety of real-world projects on image processing, face and text recognition, object detection, and high-performance computing. You’ll be able to progressively build on your skills by working on projects of increasing complexity. You’ll begin by creating an image viewer application, building a user interface from scratch by adding menus, performing actions based on key-presses, and applying other functions. As you progress, the book will guide you through using OpenCV image processing and modification functions to edit an image with filters and transformation features. In addition to this, you’ll explore the complex motion analysis and facial landmark detection algorithms, which you can use to build security and face detection applications. Finally, you’ll learn to use pretrained deep learning models in OpenCV and GPUs to filter images quickly. By the end of this book, you will have learned how to effectively develop full-fledged computer vision applications with OpenCV and Qt. What you will learn ?Create an image viewer with all the basic requirements ?Construct an image editor to filter or transform images ?Develop a security app to detect movement and secure homes ?Build an app to detect facial landmarks and apply masks to faces ?Create an app to extract text from scanned documents and photos ?Train and use cascade classifiers and DL models for object detection ?Build an app to measure the distance between detected objects ?Implement high-speed image filters on GPU with Open Graphics Library (OpenGL) Who this book is for This book is for engineers and developers who are familiar with both Qt and OpenCV frameworks and are capable of creating simple projects using them, but want to build their skills to create professional-level projects using them. Familiarity with the C++ language is a must to follow the example source codes in this book. Table of Contents 1.Building an Image Viewer: How to build a proper image viewer with all standard capabilities 2.Editing Images Like A Pro: How to modify images filters, transformation and many more 3.Home Security Application: How to use motion analysis 4.Fun with Faces: How to detect and use faces and facial landmarks in real-time 5.Optical Character Recognition: How to extract text from images and scanned documents 6.Object Detection in Realtime: Using trained models and classifiers 7.Real-time car detection and distance measurement 8.Using OpenGL for high speed filtering of images 9.Appendix

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Qt 5 and OpenCV 4 Computer Vision Projects


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Building an Image Viewer

Technical requirements

Designing the user interface

Starting the project from scratch

Setting up the full user interface

Implementing the functions for the actions

The Exit action

Opening an image

Zooming in and out

Saving a copy

Navigating in the folder

Responding to hotkeys



Editing Images Like a Pro

Technical requirements

The ImageEditor application

Blurring images using OpenCV

Adding the blur action

Building and installing OpenCV from the source

Blurring images

QPixmap, QImage, and Mat




Adding features using Qt's plugin mechanism

The plugin interface

Eroding images with ErodePlugin

Loading the plugin into our application

Editing images like a pro

Sharpening images

Cartoon effect

Rotating images

Affine transformation



Home Security Applications

Technical requirements

The Gazer application

Starting the project and setting up the UI

Accessing cameras

Listing cameras with Qt

Capturing and playing

Threading and the performance of real-time video processing

Capturing and playing with Qt

Calculating the FPS

Saving videos

Motion analysis with OpenCV

Motion detection with OpenCV

Sending notifications to our mobile phone



Fun with Faces

Technical requirements

The Facetious application

From Gazer to Facetious

Taking photos

Detecting faces using cascade classifiers

Detecting facial landmarks

Applying masks to faces

Loading images with the Qt resource system

Drawing masks on the faces

Selecting masks on the UI



Optical Character Recognition

Technical requirements

Creating Literacy

Designing the UI

Setting up the UI

OCR with Tesseract

Building Tesseract from the source

Recognizing characters in Literacy

Detecting text areas with OpenCV

Recognizing characters on the screen



Object Detection in Real Time

Technical requirements

Detecting objects using OpenCV

Detecting objects using a cascade classifier

Training a cascade classifier

The no-entry traffic sign

The faces of Boston Bulls

Detecting objects using deep learning models

About real time



Real-Time Car Detection and Distance Measurement

Technical requirements

Car detection in real time

Distance measurement

Measuring the distance between cars or between the car and the camera

Measuring the distance between cars in a bird's eye view

Measuring the distance between a car and the camera in the eye-level view

Switching between view modes



Using OpenGL for the High-Speed Filtering of Images

Technical requirements

Hello OpenGL

OpenGL in Qt

Filtering images with OpenGL

Drawing images with OpenGL

Filtering images in the fragment shader

Saving the filtered images

Using OpenGL with OpenCV


Further reading


Chapter 1, Building an Image Viewer

Chapter 2, Editing Images Like a Pro

Chapter 3, Home Security Applications

Chapter 4, Fun with Faces

Chapter 5, Optical Character Recognition

Chapter 6, Object Detection in Real Time

Chapter 7, Real-Time Car Detection and Distance Measurement

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