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作       者:顾南华 编著

出  版  社:化学工业出版社


字       数:22.9万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 实用英语



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本书包括英语常用动词48个,英语常用短语和表达方式37个。本书的特是:只要你记得或学过一些英文单词,就可以套用本书所提供的三个英语基本句型,达到与人交流的目的。本书将帮助你从中文思维,慢慢地过渡到用英文思维。 适用本书的读者有:①小学已学过英语的读者,可以从初中始使用本书自学,以拓展自己的英语口语水平;②初中始学英语的读者,可以从初二始使用本书;③具有初中以上英语水平的读者,可通过本书提高英语口语水平;④参加各类初、中级的英语口语补习班的读者,可通过使用本书,在老师的指导下,迅速提高英语口语水平。 可灵活使用本套书:一般的英语读者,只要掌握本套书的“英语口语基本结构”分册,就可以学会口说英语,即可达到具有基本的英语口语沟通能力。如果需要一步拓展自己的口语水平,可以通过自学或在老师指导下,学习本套书的“英语口语高频动词”分册和“英语口语常用短语和表达方式”分册, 就可以学会说流利和地道的英语,即可达到运用英语自由表达的能力。本书适合自学,也适合在教师指导下循序渐式的英语口语学习。<br/>





Lesson One what is this(that)? what are these(those)?

Lesson Two there is,there are

Lesson Three what

Lesson Four are you…? do you,does he(she)…?have you,has he(she)

Lesson Five what time what is the time what are this(these,those)…made of?what is the color of…?what kind of…?

Lesson Six how many how much how is(are)

Lesson Seven buy use go to

Lesson Eight where

Lesson Nine eat like do not like

Lesson Ten like…better than prefer…to what do you like does she(he)like  what would you like

Lesson Eleven when

Lesson Twelve why

Lesson Thirteen it's a good(bad)habit it's necessary(important) it is so kind(nice,foolish)of you

Lesson Fourteen how old how far how long how often

Lesson Fifteen can,can't can you…? could you…?

Lesson Sixteen I'd love I'd(we'd)like would you like…?

Lesson Seventeen think do you think what do you think? I don't think I thought find I find(that)

Lesson Eighteen need do you need? want do you want? what do you want? try

Lesson Nineteen give get get in get off get back to

Lesson Twenty mean what do you mean? bet I(I'll)bet you bet want to bet,wanna bet

Lesson Twenty-One expect I'm expecting I don't(didn't)expect I expect hope I'm hoping I was hoping I hope so

Lesson Twenty-Two agree agree with decide

Lesson Twenty-Three see have you seen I see you see  hear did you hear I(we)have heard

Lesson Twenty-Four understand don't understand do you understand seem seem to be

Lesson Twenty-Five how about what about

Lesson Twenty-Six I'm afraid I'm afraid not instead instead of

Lesson Twenty-Seven forget forget about forget it don't forget to remember remember me to

Lesson Twenty-Eight consider to be considered all things considered plan plan to do,plan on doing

Lesson Twenty-Nine believe don't(can't)believe believe so suppose be supposed to be be supposed to do suppose so

Lesson Thirty wonder I wonder(if),I'm wondering(if) guess I guess I guess so(not) guess what(do you know?)

Lesson Thirty-One say tell can you tell...? talk talk about talk to talk with

Lesson Thirty-Two ask make take

Lesson Thirty-Three wish put put on

Lesson Thirty-Four which do

Lesson Thirty-Five must must have ought ought to have should should have

Lesson Thirty-Six 'd better(best) 'd rather might as well

Lesson Thirty-Seven do(would)you mind...? will(could,would)please...?

Lesson Thirty-Eight no matter what no matter how... no matter where...

Lesson Thirty-Nine how come maybe be worth

Lesson Forty used to be(get)used(accustomed)to

Lesson Forty-One call keep know

Lesson Forty-Two open send start

Lesson Forty-Three admit I must(have to)admit allow let let's

Lesson Forty-Four bother promise I promise you I can't promise

Lesson Forty-Five be Going to be Gonna=be going to have got to gotta=have got to

Lesson Forty-Six want to kind,kind of

Answers to the Oral Translation 口头汉译英参考答案


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