


Small Arcs of Larger Circles: Framing Through Other Patterns电子书

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作       者:Nora Bateson

出  版  社:Triarchy Press


字       数:35.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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"Truly a great and life changing read!" This is an important first collection of essays, reflections and poems by Nora Bateson, the noted research designer, film-maker, writer and lecturer. She is the daughter of Gregory Bateson, president of the International Bateson Institute (IBI) and an adviser to numerous bodies at international and governmental level.? Building on Gregory Bateson’s famous book Towards an Ecology of Mind and her own film on the subject, Nora Bateson here updates our thinking on systems and ecosystems, applying her own insights and those of her team at IBI to education, organisations, complexity, academia, and the way that society organizes itself.? She also introduces two terms: ?‘ symmathesy ’ to describe the contextual mutual learning through interaction that takes place in living entities at larger or smaller scales ?‘ transcontextuality ’ to describe the multiple, interlayered spatial, social, temporal, cultural, ecological, economic contexts in which symmathesy takes place. While she retains her father’s rigorous attention to definition, observation and academic precision, she also moves well beyond that frame of reference to incorporate more embodied ways of knowing and understanding. These are reflected in her essays and poems on food, Christmas, love, honesty, environmentalism and leadership. The book offers important advice and new thinking on issues like immigration, systems thinking, new economic and financial models, future thinking and strategic planning, sustainability and governmental ethics, agency in organizational leadership, the education system and organizational governance. Readers' reviews "You will be nourished in your reading, aesthetically and ethically. It is yet another Bateson work of art." -?Imelda McCarthy, PhD Systemic Therapist, Dublin, Ireland. "Nora Bateson’s Small Arcs of Larger Circles is perhaps the most important and vital book I have ever read." - Peter Le Breton, PhD "This book offered me the texture, depth and breath of trans-contextual context for one to meander and develop multiple description. Thank you Nora for producing this masterpiece. Everyone should read it especially those who have concern with looking at the complexities our world is facing." -?Maimunah Mosli, Principal Family Therapist, Singapore "This is a book not to be read but experienced" - 5 star Amazon review

Front Cover

Title Page

Copyright Page



If You Knew Me Well


Mental Mono-Cropping

(inter)Facing an Ecology of Mind…

Identity with an I

We are Wine

Policy for Governance in the Future



Knowledge and Complexity

Crispy Dry Moods

It Goes Without Saying

River’s Muscle

Old Growth Redwoods

Daphne and Apollo


What’s the Opposite of Opposites?

Tears at the Bus Stop


Zombies and the Hitchhiker

The Thing Is...


Leadership Within the Paradox of Agency

Nothing’s Changed

Framing the Symmetry



Non-Trivial Economy


An Ecology of Hurt

Quo Vadis? (for Tobbe)

Me Watching You Watching Me Watching You

Whole Peace

The Fortune Teller

While We Slept

Fools See Outlines

Practicality in Complexity

Sound of Sun

What Do You See When You Look at Her Face?

Stop That Thing You Do

Ecology of Love

Parts & Wholes, Hope & Horror



Who are we Now?

Filmmaking in the Tide-Pools

Christmas is a Time Pivot



Afterword: Allegory

About the Publisher

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