


Understanding Brexit Options: What future for Britain?电子书

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作       者:David Kauders

出  版  社:Sparkling Books


字       数:11.9万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The crucial decision the British government has taken will have enormous consequences for our children, grandchildren and all future generations. This book clearly describes the different options available, their impact on the UK economy and on individual Britons resident both in the UK and Europe.? It asks how realistic politicians are being about the detrimental effect on trade in both goods and services that will be caused by leaving the single market. What consequences will their decision have for the United Kingdom and its unity? Table of Contents Introduction 1 Britain's options 2 The importance of free trade 3 A British view of non-trade factors 4 Britain and Europe 5 The state of Britain 6 What now? Appendix: Examples of political misconceptions The author David Kauders FRSA was educated at Latymer Upper School, Jesus College Cambridge and Cranfield School of Management. He is an investment manager and also contributes occasional articles to the UK financial press. Reviews "The need for a reasoned and sensible debate about the impact of Brexit has never been higher, with continued Government obfuscation about what Britain's exit from the EU will entail. David Kauders' well-researched book concisely explains the different Brexit options available and details their implications, with the case for Britain's continued access to the single market shining through. Kauders' work should be required reading for all those wishing to quickly grasp the consequences of Brexit" - Lord Bilimoria, Chairman, Cobra Beer Partnership and Cross Bench member of the House of Lords "With little clarity over what Brexit entails, 'Understanding Brexit Options' takes its reader through the options open to the UK in its future relationship with the EU. It helps lift the fog hanging over the toughest decision the UK will have to take in this generation." - Tom Brake "A useful addition to the current debate and has the benefit of being a short read" - Lord Bruce of Bennachie "'Understanding Brexit Options' by David Kauders illuminates the complexity of the options involved: staying within the single market, within the customs union, or either, or both. Or neither, which is what a hard Brexit would mean, or some sort of associated agreement (which seems the least likely). Brexiteers gave voters no idea of what they had in mind, and for that matter still seem to be at sixes and sevens over what they hope to achieve. Kauders exposes the facile promises of a free trade bonanza after Brexit in an increasingly protectionist world, and the illusion that we can stay in the single market and control our own borders - "have our cake and eat it" in Boris Johnson's dream world. In fact, anyone who wants to be better informed about the best solution, or the least bad, or feels they should be, could do no better than to read this clear analysis." - Lord Taverne

Understanding Brexit Options


The author

By the same author

Wisdom from our forebears




1 Britain’s options

Timetable for the UK to leave the EU

Option 1, a complete break with the EU: “Hard Brexit”

Hard Brexit and the single market

Hard Brexit and the non-EEA existing free trade countries

Hard Brexit and the rest of the world

Four questions about trade

Other consequences of Hard Brexit

Travelling in Europe

Option 2, a loose arrangement

Option 3, staying in the single market: “Soft Brexit” (“Brexit-lite”)

Soft Brexit outside the customs union

Soft Brexit inside the customs union

Option 4: negotiating a Close Association agreement

The World Trade Organisation

Evaluating the Brexit alternatives

The coming recession

A word about capital markets

Brexit summary

2 The importance of free trade

Development of free trade

The four freedoms, EEA, EFTA and British trade with the EU

The European Economic Area

Joining EFTA

Free trade or migration?

Alternative trading relationships with the EU

Britain needs the single market but the EU does not need Britain

Rotterdam effect

Economic impact of leaving the single market

Trade with the rest of the world

3 A British view of non-trade factors

“Fog in channel, continent isolated”

Keeping the United Kingdom together

Reconciling the different groups of British attitudes to Europe

British citizens residing in other free-movement countries

The risk of political upsets

Politics of inequality and austerity


Negotiating with the EU

4 Britain and Europe

The EU is not perfect

What does the EU do?

Structure of the EU

The democratic deficit in Europe


The refugee crisis

Britain’s relationship with Europe

5 The state of Britain

Politics and the economy

The disconnection between Britons and the political elite

Referendums in Britain

Britain’s future

6 What now?

Appendix: Examples of political misconceptions

Sparkling Books

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