


Humanising Healthcare: Patterns of Hope for a System Under Strain电子书

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作       者:Margaret Hannah

出  版  社:Triarchy Press


字       数:20.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A practical strategy for transforming the UK and other healthcare systems... offering an affordable,?sustainable?and compassionate alternative to the present mess. Healthcare systems across the developed world are in trouble.? Changing patterns of disease, an ageing population and advances in drugs and technology feed an inexorable rise in costs outrunning our best efforts to contain them.? At a human level the system is coming under intolerable strain.? Demands for cost savings squeeze out the time and humanity needed for good care and quality relationships.? Safety suffers.? Staff become demoralised, stressed and burned out.?? In the first two parts of Humanising Healthcare ?and focusing on the UK's National Health Service, Dr Hannah?explores the fundamental assumptions which have brought us to this point and which likewise inform our current inadequate responses. She dissects the burgeoning regime of regulation and inspection that tries to impose ever tighter controls on a healthcare system that needs to be freed to serve its citizen patients.? In the final part of the book, ‘Another Way Is Possible’, Dr Margaret Hannah offers a practical alternative strategy based on numerous examples of transformative practice from the UK and around the world.?? It promises a sustainable culture of healthcare that will enable us all to live healthy, fulfilled lives at a fraction of the current cost.?

Front Cover

Title Page

Copyright Page


Part 1:The Contemporary Challenge

Chapter 1: The House that Modern Medicine Built

Chapter 2: Overweight and Overwhelmed

Chapter 3: Costing an Arm and a Leg

Part 2: The Response

Chapter 4: The Brakes are Failing

Chapter 5: Regulation, Inspection and the Fight Against Error

Chapter 6: RCTs: A Self-Limiting Improvement Methodology

Part 3:Another Way is Possible

Chapter 7: The Patterning of Hope

Chapter 8: Designing for Transition

Chapter 9: Creating the Future

End Notes

About the Author

About the Illustrator

International Futures Forum

Triarchy Press

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