


Crystals I: 1st Battle of the Titans: Clash between Vacuum and the Hypercosmic (电子书

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作       者:Antonis Anastasiadis

出  版  社:AKAKIA Publications


字       数:239.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Crystals series will comprise a decalogy which will start from the creation of the universe, will transcend all human civilization, will come to the present and continue into the future, summarily showing the development of human civilization. The first book, ‘1st Battle of the Titans: Clash between Vacuum and the Hypercosmic (Creation)’ marks the beginning of a ‘cosmic’ journey from the Big Bang, following the evolutionary course of the universe, to reach the creation of planetary systems. The story in the first book starts from a town in the Greek provinces, where an enamoured couple comes upon an object with strange properties and potential. It is put under study by the local scientific community, and old folklore surrounding it is remembered that was hitherto dismissed as myth. The object is taken to Athens and is scrutinized by the Greek scientific community who call all the top brass of the international scientific community to their aid. On the basis of the object’s properties that have been assessed, an experiment is carried out on the Acropolis with wondrous, serendipitous findings. After that point, a wonderful journey starts that spans a series of ten books. Through myth and allegory, but also hard scientific facts, and apart from the reader’s entertainment, an effort is made for the reader to acquire true knowledge. Thus, through storytelling, the reader learns about the evolution of the universe, the galaxies, the solar systems, the earth and life on it, the evolution of humankind, philosophy, science, religion and in general, about the struggle for the humanization process of humankind to reach today’s conflicts. The following 10 books with follow with the following proposed titles: 1st Battle of the Titans: Clash between Vacuum and the Hypercosmic (Creation) 2nd Battle of the Titans: Clash between the Hypercosmic and the Supernatural (Battles of the Heavens) 3rd Battle of the Titans: Clash between the Natural and the Supernatural (Zeus-Cronos) 4th Battle of the Titans: Clash between the Natural and the Paranormal (Battle of Giants) 5th Battle of the Titans: Clash between the Natural and the Metaphysical (Prometheus) 6th Battle of the Titans: Clash between the Good and the Evil (White-Dark Crystal) 7th Battle of the Titans: Clash between the Sociopolitical and the Counter-sociopolitical (Early Civilizations) 8th Battle of the Titans: Clash between Humanism and Technocracy (Later Periods) 9th Battle of the Titans: Clash between Civilization and Barbarism (Current Times) 10th Battle of the Titans: Clash between Earthlings and Extraterrestrials (Intergalactic Travel)

Summary for The 1st Battle of the Titans:Clash between the Void and the Hypercosmic (Creation)

1st Battle of the Titans: Clash between the Vacuum and the Hypercosmic (Creation)


The Discovery of the White Crystal

The White Rod

The strange light

In the beginning there was darkness (Alcmanian cosmology)

Science stands in wonder


From Myth to Science

The dodecahedral White Crystal at Delphi

The Intuitive Vision at Delphi

The international scientific community is informed

The dodecahedral White Crystal and the Time-place continuum

The scientific committee reaches their initial assessments

The White Crystal at the foot of the Acropolis


Preparing for the Acropolis Experiment

The 1st Acropolis Experiment

The White Crystal meets its past

The results of the 1st Acropolis experiment

Disappointment and abandonment of the effort

The last efforts of the White Crystal

The 2nd Acropolis Experiment

Rekindling interest on the White Crystal

Young scientists take the lead

Preparing to revisit the crystal

The new assessment of the crystal

Fresh data

The new potential of the crystal

The power of the crystal

New inroads into the nature of the crystal

The solution to the mathematical function of the crystal

The early Mathematical Function

The vanished Professor changes everything

The Final Mathematical Function

The test trial (the construction of the Parthenon)

Erntes’ paradox

The 2nd Acropolis Experiment

The journey begins

The events ‘inside’ and ‘outside’ the event horizon

The last calculations before the ‘truth’


The Beginning

Unified power, Vacuum, Quirk, Inflation Field

Eros (Love)

Zero Point Field

Positive and Negative Power

The 4 Fundamental Interactions and Mass

The 12 Titanic powers

Particles and Unified Power (or perhaps…God?)

Nuclei, Atoms, Chemical Elements

The Big Bang


Solar or Planetary Systems

First-generation Star Births

Second-Generation Star Births

Death of Stars

Birth of Planets

Epilogue of Part I

Titles by the same author


A few words about the author

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