


Floufla the Rebellious Pig电子书

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作       者:Giorgis Nomikos

出  版  社:AKAKIA Publications


字       数:2.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Once upon a time, pig had friends in a pig farm. She was liked to talk about politics with other animals about their future. The day came in which a butcher and his son took her to a slaughterhouse. She was taken to the garden while the family went to the supermarket, thinking of how to prepare our little pig as a dish. In the meanwhile, the pig seeks for the help of various insects, such as a ladybug, a grasshopper, and the ants nearby, but all refuse to help her. The butterfly wanted to help, but she was in a hurry, as she was afraid of being captured by the kids. It seemed the rebellious pig was done for. A very caring bee, however, came near the garden. Floufla told the bee she would turn into roasted pork for dinner. Fearing for Floufla’s future, the bee ran to her beehive to inform the Queen about the incident. The queen decided to stop the operations of the beehive and organize an Extraordinary Council, and the board decided to help Floufla under the directions of the Queen. The working bees, disciplined and obedient, stung the family and sacrificed themselves for Floufla’s freedom. While the family was busy trying to relieve themselves with ointments, Floufla escapes to the meadow, and before Floufla departs, the Queen gives her a final piece of advice that Floufla should observe those around her and respect their diversity.


The Pig Farm

The Slaughterhouse

On The Road

At The Front Yard

In the Kitchen

Passersby at the garden

At The Beehive

The Emergency Council

It’s show time!

The Meadow


About the Author

About Angelos Konstantinou

About Carlos A. R. de Souza

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