


A to Z Essential Oil Remedies for Total Beginners电子书

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作       者:Lisa Bond

出  版  社:sbBooks


字       数:5.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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I want to thank and congratulate you for downloading this book ? Healthy Essential Oils Guide For Skin Care, Hair Growth, Allergies, Weight Loss, Natural Cleaning: 47 NEW Essential Oils Recipes To Heal, Build And Improve Your Health For Beginner?. If you're looking for balance, for beauty products based on plants and essential oils, if you long for a more serene and pure lifestyle, without turning your present habits and ways upside down, this little guide is for you. Circulatory problems, cellulite, flabby stomach, constipation, toxin elimination, stimulants or draining products, beauty masks... This straightforward and practical guide contains my little recipes, all tested by me. . All my friends agree: these recipes are effective, pleasant and economical. Why spend a fortune, when generous Nature is there, ready to provide all that you need? In short, here is a gentle solution for your body-care, which you can prepare and use within your own four walls. The little recipes below will bring you second-to-none bodily comfort and well-being. Adopt bio products for a healthy body. Learn to love yourself – take some time just for you. It's really important. The Definition of Essential Oils Essential oils contain the true essence of the plant they are derived from. The liquid essential oil is usually distilled by a steam or water process, from the flowers, leaves, stems, bark, roots, or other elements of a plant. You might be surprised to discover essential oils don't actually feel oily. Most essential oils are clear, except for a few oils like lemongrass, patchouli, or orange, which are yellow or amber in color. Don't confuse therapeutic essential oils and fragrance oils, which aren't the same. Fragrance oils are perfume oils, containing synthetic chemicals, and they have absolutely no therapeutic value. In the United States, there are no aromatherapy regulations, or regulations on how the term aromatherapy is used. When buying commercial products, remember they could contain ingredients that use fragrance oil or synthetic chemicals. Carefully read all the ingredients. Even when a manufacturer claims a product contains natural ingredients, or that they are made from essential oils, you must be careful. Even when the product says it is made only from natural ingredients it can still contain fragrance oils or other synthetic products. Only a couple of drops of essential oil are needed to be able to claim a product is made with essential oils. The best way to be sure that you have a high quality therapeutic product is to make your own products, and we will provide you with some great recipes to get you started and help you to develop your skills. Before long, you will be a master at creating these recipes.

About the Author, Lisa Bond


Essential Oil Blends

Essential Oil Safety

The Best Anti-Aging Ingredients


Who is it for:

How does it work?

How to make it work best?


Who is it for?

How does it work?

How to make it work best?

Vitamin C (L-ascorbic acid)

Who is it for?

How does it work?

How to make it work best?

Vitamin E

Who is it for?

How does it work?

How to make it work best?


Who is it for?

How do they work?

How to make them work best?

For nutritional antioxidants, here is a simple guideline:

The Best Natural Anti-Aging Oils

Are natural oils better than creams?

Coconut Oil

Moringa Oil

Olive Oil

Rosehip Seed Oil

Avocado Oil

What if I don't like applying oil on my skin?

Foods for Beauty

What to Eat for General Beauty

For Healthy Skin

For Happiness

For Energy

What Not to Eat

5 Powerful Foods for Younger Looking Skin

Lifestyle Choices for Beauty




Stop Smoking

Sun Exposure

Anti-Aging Superfoods

Mask for Greasy Skin

Beauty mask for Dry Skin

Acne Recipe

Healthy Essential Oil Recipes For abdomen problems

Essential oil mouthwash for ulcers

Cellulite problems

Palpation to slim your stomach:

Stomach pain, bloating, constipation

Congestion Aromatherapy Recipe

Detox massage

Healthy Essential Oil Recipes For Weigh loss

DIY Weight Loss Recipes

Weight Loss Shot

Slimming Beverage

Weight problems

Healthy Essential Oil Recipes For bath time

Relaxing bath-time

Stimulating bath-time

Relaxing Lavender Oil

Healthy Essential Oils Recipe for Injury

Minor Cuts Aromatherapy Salve Recipe

Bruising Aromatherapy Recipe

Healthy Essential Oil Recipes For lifestyle

Essential oil Aromatherapy Recipes

Blends to Calm and Relax

Blend 1

Blend 2

Blend 3

Deep Hair Conditioner Recipe

Menstrual Cramp Recipe

Insect Repellent Recipe

Healthy Essential Oil Recipes For Sanitation

General Sanitation essential oil recipe

Natural Toothpaste

Essential oil mouthwash for fighting gingivitis

Essential oil mouthwash for ulcers

Essential oil mouthwash to help with bleeding gums

Healthy Essential Oil Recipes For Allergy

Natural Sinus Infection Treatment

Allergy Relief Cream

DIY Hay Fever Inhaler I

DIY Hay Fever Inhaler II

Essential Oil Blend Concentrate for Hay fever

General Allergy Relief

Nasal Allergy Spray

Natural Blend for Respiratory Allergies

Decongesting Allergy Bomb I

Decongesting Allergy Bomb II (strengthened)

Essential oil recipes for Colds and flu

Essential oil Recipe for Flu, colds and coughs

Recipe For easing coughs

essential oil to reduce fever

Essential oil blend to help with difficulty in breathing


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