


The 11 Best Cardio Workouts:To Burn Fat, Tone Up, and Lose Weight电子书

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作       者:Dale L. Roberts

出  版  社:One Jacked Monkey LLC


字       数:2.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 励志自助/心灵



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Annihilate Unwanted Body Fat Without Having to Overwork & Feel Rundown What if a few tweaks to your current exercise routine could dramatically increase your weight loss by even five to ten times? What if I told you that you no longer have to toil away exercising hours at a time just to lose little to no weight? What if you could get more time in your day to read, spend time with your family or relax? World-traveled fitness author & personal trainer, Dale L. Roberts, presents his 11 best fat burning workouts specifically for the treadmill, elliptical, and recumbent bike. Based on nearly a decade of developing quality workouts that maximize the most from limited time—Roberts answers the question: what are the secrets to losing more weight in less time with FUN exercise? In this book, you'll learn: -How to incinerate fat by a simple tweak that the pros use -Why staying at a consistent pace in your cardio is not working -Four smooth treadmill routines that don't require ANY running -Four simple elliptical programs that are a fun challenge -Three recumbent bike plans that will have you smashing it to bits while laughing your way to a smaller pants size -A variety of other tips to get the most from ANY workout or exercise plan -How to keep your cardio workouts, so you enjoy the finer things in life -Additional tips & techniques to use for your cardio outside of the three pieces of cardio equipment offered in this book -And, much more! Buy this book NOW to kill stubborn fat dead and stop overworking in your exercise routines!?


General Cardio Guidelines

The Four Treadmill Change-Up Routines

Part 1.1: Treadmill Change-up

Part 1.2: Treadmill Change-up

Part 1.3: Treadmill Change-up

Part 1.4: Treadmill Change-up

The Four Elliptical Whippin’ Routines

Part 2.1: Elliptical Whippin’

Part 2.2: Elliptical Whippin’

Part 2.3: Elliptical Whippin’

Part 2.4: Elliptical Whippin’

The Four Break-a-bike Routines

Part 3.1: Break-a-bike

Part 3.2: Break-a-bike

Part 3.3: Break-a-bike


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About The Author

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An Exclusive Bonus


More by Dale L. Roberts

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