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Down Among the Fishes (A note on transliteration)
Dramatis personae
The business with the Devil
A sack came rolling…
Holes in time
Velkom to Dobratyche
Velkom to our polyphonic world
Henik the Uruguayan — his love and luck
The night after the rain came
The Black Bog
A death intended for someone else
He used vulgar words being besotted with power
I encounter Mr Ivan Kukal for the first time
It’s nothing!
I know full well how things are
Onwards and upwards lead us to bliss!
Time to call a spade a spade
I feel old
The diesel train south from Brest to Vladava
My sister and two stations
Aksana’s not at home
What did you ask me that for?
Another soul, another language
A charming neighbour
The red jacket
It smells of people
Full circle
Maria Vaytsyashonak gives me a good telling off
You aren’t going to win the elections
Greetings from Taras Slyozka
To the frontier and beyond
Not every boomerang chooses freedom
On stakeout
Sasha and Dzima do their job
From America with sorrow
It’s better to bow down and worship your own arse
I don’t even have a catapult
Death hangs over Dobratyche
Everyone can have their say
A blood-soaked rag comes to my rescue again
Trap for a middle-aged woman who kicks hornets’ nests
Down among the fishes
Yet another decree
Mad Meg on the march
What kind of medicinal herbs do we have in Dobratyche?
The dog it was that died
Despair is the damp of hell…
… as joy is the serenity of Heaven
I didn’t get his autograph
Makrynya’s fifth child
Wives on the catwalk aboard the “Royal Barge”
By the light of the moon
Sotheby’s acquires a new client
A world created anew. I learn who the apparition in the white shroud really is
E Day
1465 words
Glagoslav Publications Catalogue