


Crystals III: 3rd Battle of the Titans: “The Clash between the Supernatural – Na电子书

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作       者:Antonis Anastasiadis

出  版  社:AKAKIA Publications


字       数:75.6万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The series "Crystal" starts from the beginning of the creation of the universe and permeates the entire human culture. It then reaches the present and will continue into the future, briefly following the evolution of human civilization.In the first book 'First Battle of the Titans: Vacuum-Otherworldly conflict"(13.85 to 5 billion years ago) we witnessed the beginning of the fictional series "Crystal", which started in a Greek provincial town. In this town an object with transcendent abilities was discovered. Studies on this object have shown great results and with this very object a cosmic journey began. In this cosmic journey we traveled back in time and witnessed the creation of the universe.In the second book "Second Battle of the Titans: Worldly-Supernatural conflict" (5 billion to 50 million years ago) we watched through the cosmic journey of Titanic forces contributing to the creation of our galaxy, our solar system, the creation and manufacturing of planet Earth, the emer-gence of life on Earth and its evolutionary path. Additionally, we also watched the clash of the Ti-tans' forces led by Saturn with otherworldly forces under the command of Heaven.In the third and fourth book, "Third battle of the Titans: Supernatural-Natural" Conflict (50 million years to 100,000 years ago) the Olympian gods dominate, led by Zeus. The evolution of life occurring on planet Earth, the dominance of mammals and human phylogenetic branch are present-ed in the form of epic duels and fights. The evolution of man arrives until Homo sapiens. Particular emphasis is given to the "human" and the evolutionary steps of humanization, from the primates to hominids (Hominoidea), then to the Australopithecines and then onto the "Homo".Continuing this magical journey through myth, metaphors, real events and real scientific knowledge, in the next books the reader will explore the universal culture from the creation of the universe until today.

3rd Battle of the Titans:Clash between Supernaturaland the Natural I (Homo sapiens)



The Scientific team of the White Crystalreminisce after 50 years

The separation of land and sea

The palaces of Gaia – Gaia

The last skirmishes between the Hypercosmicand the Supernatural

Cronos’ reign – Cronos as the absolute Monarch

Do the Titans bring Peace?

The continuation of the 5th Rebirth of life – primary mammals

1st Clash of the 1st Period (Supernatural versus Supernatural)

2nd Class of the 1st Period (Gaia and Cyclops versus Cronos)

3rd Clash of the 1st Period (Giants versus Cronos)

After Cronos’ prevalence


The Titans build the Balkan Peninsula(28 to 0.5 million years ago)

The first destructions of the 2nd Period

The phylogenetic evolution of man(2nd Period / 3rd Battle of the Titans)

Genus “Homo”, Expansion, Consciousness of Being

The Journeys of Prometheus across Africa(2nd Period/3rd Battle of the Titans)

Prometheus meets the Australopethecines

Prometheus meets Homo habilis

Prometheus meets Homo erectus

Prometheus meets Homo sapiens

The first skirmishes

The Oracle for the Coming of Zeus


3rd Period: THE COMING OF ZEUS (Spiritual Warrior of Light)

Oracles, portents and reorderings

The Birth of Zeus

New Oracles

The Coming of Zeus

The Oracle of Delphi

The oracles about the “Warrior of Light”

The education of Zeus

The 3 Spiritual Levels – The 6 ascension levels

The 10 “Faces” or “Images” of Zeus(Philosopher-Enlightened)

The 3 Forms of Awareness of Zeus(Love-Truth-Freedom)

The 4 “Paths” of Zeus(Warrior of Light)

The 5 “Plagues” of Zeus (Solar god)

Epilogue of the 3rd Battle of the Titans


A few words about the author

Titles by the same author

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