


How to Write a Bestseller: No Mistakes Writing, Volume II电子书

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作       者:Giacomo Giammatteo 

出  版  社:Inferno Publishing Company


字       数:21.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 教育/学习



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So you've written a book. Big deal. Did you write one good enough to sell? Will it sell? There are millions of books out there. Why should readers buy yours? Before you put your book up for sale, before you even finish writing, you should read this book. Find out what you're doing wrong, and what you're doing right. Discover why character development and editing are everything. And learn to make your readers laugh and cry. ?

Copyright NonFiction


1. Eight Things Every Author Should Do

2. A Few Simple Suggestions

I. What Makes a Good Story?

II. Character Development

1. Concrete and Books

2. How to Cook Up a Great Character

3. Seven Billion Ways to Develop Your Character

4. Through My Brother's Eyes

5. Stereotypes

6. Using Animals To Enhance Character Development

7. What is an Invisible Character?

8. Tough Characters

9. Conflicting Characters

10. Your Characters Don't Have To Be Pretty

11. The Fear of Writing Real Characters

12. What Do Your Characters Look Like?

13. Secondary Characters

14. World's Greatest Hamburger

III. Editing

1. Editing

2. We Don't Need No Copy Editors

3. Real-Life Editing

4. The Secret to a Good Book

5. 17 Words and Phrases

6. Absolutes

7. Words We Don’t Need

8. Flat Adverbs

9. Wordiness

10. How To Tighten Up Your Writing

11. Punctuation

12. Poisonous and Venomous

13. Latin Abbreviations

14. There's a Lot of Reasons

IV. Miscellaneous

1. Axe To Grind

I. More on Writing

2. Dialogue Tags

3. Five Senses

4. Capitalizing Dialogue

5. Setting

6. Is Storytelling Genetic?

7. Snakes

V. Writing Rules

1. Writing Rules

3. In Closing


About the Author

Also by Giacomo Giammatteo

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