


Environmental Degradation and Dryland Agro-Technologies in Northwest China电子书

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作       者:Elijah K. Biamah, Michael K. Biamah

出  版  社:Dolman Scott Publishing


字       数:88.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 艺术/建筑/历史



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Environmental Degradation and Dryland Agro-Technologies in Northwest China” is a documentation of past and present research, training and extension experiences on: environmental degradation; conservation farming systems; water and nutrient management options; soil and water management technologies and training; soil erosion control; dryland agriculture and soil erosion; soil fertility and crop production; drought and soil water use, demonstration of ecologically sustainable agriculture; and dissemination of farming system technologies in the arid and semi-arid lands of Northwest China. These concerns are expounded on both from the national (China) and Regional (Loess Plateau) perspectives. The information provided herein was obtained through a review of all relevant literature and firsthand consultations/discussions undertaken by the author with professors and local research scientists, technicians and farmers in Northwest China. The facts and figures presented are based on their experiences of many years. This publication does provide valuable scientific information on the status of environmental degradation and dryland agro-technologies within Northwest China that are either traditional or newly developed through scientific research at various relevant Institutions such as NWAU, NWISWC and Regional Academies of Agricultural Sciences such as SAAS, GAAS, NAAF and QAAF. There are lessons to be learnt and plausible remedial conservation measures to be adopted elsewhere from these experiences in Northwest China.

Cover Page




Acronyms and Abbreviations



1. Environmental Degradation and Resource Conservation in China

1.1 Introduction

1.2 Loess Plateau Region of Northwest China

2. Conservation Farming Systems and Management Options in China

2.1 Background of Conservation Farming Efforts in China

2.2 Conservation Farming Systems and Management Options

3. Soil and Water Management in Northwest China

3.1 Dryland Farming Areas

3.2 Climate and Farming Systems

3.3 Water-Saving Agriculture

3.4 Soil and Water Management Techniques

3.5 Dryland Agriculture and Soil Erosion

3.6 Drought and Soil Water Use

3.7 Demonstration of Ecologically Sustainable Agriculture

3.8 Efficient Use of Rainfall

3.9 Land Use and Rehabilitation of Degraded Watersheds

3.10 Traditional Soil Tillage Practices

3.11 Soil and Water Conservation for Crop Production

4. Soil Fertility and Crop Productivity in Northwest China

4.1 Soil Fertility and Crop Production

4.2 Slope-based Differences in Soil Fertility

4.3 lntegrated Nutrient Management

4.4 Crop Productivity and Water Use Efficiency

5. Soil and Water Conservation the Loess Plateau in Northwest China

5.1 Background of the Loess Plateau of China

5.2 Comprehensive Erosion Control in Mizhi County, Shaanxi

5.3 Conservation Farming Technologies in the Loess Plateau

5.4 Soil Erosion and Conservation in the Wuding River Watershed

5.5 Terraces in the Loess Plateau

Selected References


A. Conservation of degraded watersheds in Northwest China

A. Agroforestry and crop production in Northwest China

B. Conveyance and Storage of road drainage water in Northwest China

C. Degradation and conservation of watersheds in Northwest China

D. Harvesting, threshing, winnowing, storage and transportation of grain and horticultural crops in Northwest China

Harvesting, threshing, winnowing, storage and transportation of grain and horticultural crops in Northwest China

Harvesting, threshing, winnowing, storage and transportation of grain and horticultural crops in Northwest China

Harvesting, threshing, winnowing, storage and transportation of grain and horticultural crops in Northwest China

E. Machinery and Animal Farm Operations in Northwest China

F. Rehabilitation and Conservation of degraded watersheds in Northwest China

G. Rural Livelihoods and Soil Management in Northwest China

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