


The Mahabharata of Palmira: Volume One: The Scales电子书

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作       者:Daniel Ricardo Altmann

出  版  社:Dolman Scott Publishing


字       数:109.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This is the first part of a radical retelling, in two volumes, of the ancient Indian epic, The Mahabharata. At the heart of this version is the mystery of Karna. He was found as a baby by a lowly, childless couple who adopted him. The story follows this strange but remarkable boy as he moves from these humble beginnings to become a great warrior, embroiled in a simmering conflict between two sets of royal princes. This retelling aims to be as intriguing to readers familiar with the ancient storyline as to those who have no knowledge of the legend: while staying close to the original plot skeleton, it is profoundly different, with new tissues fleshing out the ancient bones. It also attempts to capture, but in a modern light, the spirit of philosophical drama contained in the original. The Scales traces Karna’s early years, his introduction to the princes, and his enduring rivalry with one of these, Arjuna. The volume concludes with an account of the great dice tournament involving the princes and their allies. In spite of its very personal and western perspective, this book hopes to celebrate ancient India’s immense and varied contributions to humanity.

Front Cover

Title Page



Preface to The Scales

Day Zero: Vyasa

1 Palmira decides on a story

2 Palmira prepares the ground

Day One: The River

3 The parting

4 A prayer is answered

5 Narada comes to town

6 The first bow

7 Charvaka’s advice

8 Karna leaves home

Day Two: The Academy

9 The reception

10 Kripa’s history of the Bharatas

11 Drona

12 Bhishma

13 The mantras

14 Preparations

15 The tournament

Day Three: The Scales of Destiny

16 The king of Anga

17 The scales released

18 The raid on Kampilya

19 The house of lac

20 Draupadi’s swayamwara

21 The kingdom divides

Day Four: The Two Cities

22 Indraprastha

23 Charvaka moves

24 News from Anga

Day Five: The Mountain

25 Mahendra

26 The nuts

27 The headcloth and the sash

28 Tiger country

29 The field of the brahmanas

30 The banyan tree

31 The worm in the cave

32 The snake

33 The brahmana’s cow

Day Six: The Rajasuya

34 The invitation

35 The mist

36 The rat and the eagle

37 The web

Day Seven: The Dice

38 The vine and the strawberry

39 Yudhi accepts

40 The dice table

41 The dice hall

42 Old wounds

43 The Brahma cycle

44 Yudhi comes to the table

45 The lines are set

46 The net tightens

47 The eye of Kali

48 Bhima’s oath

49 The gamble

50 The two cities

Main characters

Index of first mentions

Back Cover

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