


The Mahabharata of Palmira: Volume Two: The Yoke电子书

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作       者:Daniel Ricardo Altmann

出  版  社:Dolman Scott Publishing


字       数:142.7万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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This is the final part of a two-volume radical retelling of the ancient Indian epic, The Mahābhārata. The first volume, The Scales, follows the story of Karna as he goes from mysterious and humble beginnings to train in the arts of combat with two sets of princes. His rivalry with Arjuna, the greatest warrior among these, embroils him in the growing enmity between the royal families.? In this second volume, The Yoke, the antagonism between the princes leads to a battle in which Arjuna will inevitably have to face Karna. In the ancient epic, just before battle begins, Arjuna is reluctant to fight, and the action is temporarily suspended to deliver the Bhagavad Gītā, a sacred text involving a dialogue between Arjuna and Krishna. In this retelling there occurs instead at this point a dialogue in which there is an attempt to persuade Arjuna that free will and the distinction between mind and brain are illusions. In the aftermath of the ensuing battle, the mystery of Karna begins to unravel. This fiction hopes to celebrate ancient India's immense contributions to humanity; but its ultimate purpose is to take you out of reality and then to return you, perhaps to a different place. Have a safe journey back.

Front Cover

Title Page


Preface to The Yoke

Day Eight: The Forest

51 The clearing

52 The silent princess

53 The pebbles

54 The fox and the goose

55 The black lake

56 Yudhi’s dream

Day Nine: The Thirteenth Year

57 The beans and the beggar

58 Virata’s cattle

59 Virata’s court

60 The sami tree

61 Elephant rope

Day Ten: The Spring

62 Arjuna’s present

63 Half a ratha

64 Kurukshetra

Day Eleven: Arjuna’s Dream

65 Arjuna’s mind

66 Arjuna’s will

Day Twelve: Bhishma’s Command

67 The spring unwinds

68 Krishna restrained

69 The dust begins to rise

70 Parashu makes his move

71 Bhishma prepares

72 The rainbow falls

Day Thirteen: The South-East Corner

73 Charvaka’s forgiveness

74 The two tents

75 The palm is folded

Day Fourteen: Drona’s Command

76 The circle

77 The mantra of the fourteenth day

78 The fourteenth night

79 The mantra of the fifteenth day

Day Fifteen: Karna’s Command

80 The half moon and the swallow

81 Charvaka’s yoke

Day Sixteen: A Day of Work

82 Palmira receives news

Day Seventeen: The Seventeenth Day

83 The swan and the crow

84 The tribes of impostors

Day Eighteen: The Rains

85 The seventeenth night

86 The end of Kurukshetra

Day Nineteen: The Veil of Kali

87 The bridge

88 The temple

Day Twenty: The Mask of Surya

89 The door closes

90 The river

Main characters

Index of first mentions in The Yoke


Back Cover

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