


The Fantastic Worlds of Yuri Vynnychuk电子书

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作       者:Yuri Vynnychuk

出  版  社:Glagoslav Publications B.V.


字       数:41.2万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Yuri Vynnychuk is a master storyteller and satirist, who emerged from the Western Ukrainian underground in Soviet times to become one of Ukraine’s most prolific and most prominent writers of today. He is a chameleon who can adapt his narrative voice in a variety of ways and whose style at times is reminiscent of Borges. A master of the short story, he exhibits a great range from exquisite lyrical-philosophical works such as his masterpiece “An Embroidered World,” written in the mode of magical realism; to intense psychological studies; to contemplative science fiction and horror tales; and to wicked black humor and satire such as his “Max and Me.” Excerpts are also presented in this volume of his longer prose works, including his highly acclaimed novel of wartime Lviv Tango of Death, which received the 2012 BBC Ukrainian Book of the Year Award. The translations offered here allow the English-language reader to become acquainted with the many fantastic worlds and lyrical imagination of an extraordinarily versatile writer. This title has been realised by a team of the following dedicated professionals: Translated from Ukrainian by Michael M. Naydan (with one translation by Askold Melnyczuk and two translations by Mark Andryczyk), Translations edited by Oksana Tatsyak, Maxim Hodak - Максим Ходак (Publisher), Max Mendor - Макс Мендор (Director), Ksenia Papazova (Managing Editor).

Title Page



Introduction: The Artful Wizard of Vynnyky

About the Author

1. The Lyrical and Philosophical Imagination

An Embroidered World

The Windows of Time Frozen

Beatrice: Twilight, The Cold

A Dream About a Tramcar

2. Psychologist of the Human Soul

The Clover Was So Fragrant

The Doorbell

The Vagrant

3. Fantastic and Alternative Worlds

The Pulsing Beacon

The Snail Chronicles

A Cat Named Abel

Order is Everything

The Flowerbed in the Kilim

Pea Soup

4. Black Humor and Satire

The Island of Ziz

Max and Me

Under the Greed Dog

Welcome to Ratburg

5. Spring Games in Autumn Gardens

Spring Games in Autumn Gardens

The Pilgrim’s Dance

6. Malva Landa

Malta Landa

7. Pears a La Crepe

Pears a La Crepe

8. Tango of Death

Synopsis of Yuri Vynnychuk’s Tango of Death

Tango of Death

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