


Troilus and Cressida电子书

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作       者:William Shakespeare

出  版  社:JA


字       数:14.3万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Troilus and Cressida is a tragedy by William Shakespeare, believed to have been written in 1602. The play (also described as one of Shakespeare's problem plays) is not a conventional tragedy, since its protagonist (Troilus) does not die. The play ends instead on a very bleak note with the death of the noble Trojan Hector and destruction of the love between Troilus and Cressida. Throughout the play, the tone lurches wildly between bawdy comedy and tragic gloom, and readers and theatre-goers have frequently found it difficult to understand how one is meant to respond to the characters.

Troilus and Cressida

Act I


SCENE I. Troy. Before Priam's palace.

SCENE II. The Same. A street.

SCENE III. The Grecian camp. Before Agamemnon's tent.

Act II

SCENE I. A part of the Grecian camp.

SCENE II. Troy. A room in Priam's palace.

SCENE III. The Grecian camp. Before Achilles' tent.


SCENE I. Troy. Priam's palace.

SCENE II. The same. Pandarus' orchard.

SCENE III. The Grecian camp. Before Achilles' tent.

Act IV

SCENE I. Troy. A street.

SCENE II. The same. Court of Pandarus' house.

SCENE III. The same. Street before Pandarus' house.

SCENE IV. The same. Pandarus' house.

SCENE V. The Grecian camp. Lists set out.

Act V

SCENE I. The Grecian camp. Before Achilles' tent.

SCENE II. The same. Before Calchas' tent.

SCENE III. Troy. Before Priam's palace.

SCENE IV. Plains between Troy and the Grecian camp.

SCENE V. Another part of the plains.

SCENE VI. Another part of the plains.

SCENE VII. Another part of the plains.

SCENE VIII. Another part of the plains.

SCENE IX. Another part of the plains.

SCENE X. Another part of the plains.

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