


The Circle of Friends Series电子书

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作       者:L. Diane Wolfe

出  版  社:Dancing Lemur Press LLC


字       数:292.5万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Get inspired to achieve your dreams! ? Book I...Lori - Driven by Olympic dreams, the swimmer appears destined for success. But something is holding her back. Can the star quarterback help Lori break free and achieve her dreams? ? Book II...Sarah - There are no rewards for second best. Estranged from her father, envious of her best friend’s perfect life, Sarah’s unable to measure up to expectations. Can a future NFL receiver with baggage of his own make a difference? ? Book III...James - Haunted by a troubled past, he’s determined to break free of the abuse and start a life with Maria. When a life-changing crisis erupts, James nears the breaking point. Can he find peace before the mistakes of his father destroy him? ? Book IV...Mike - A prisoner of guilt for so long, he’s consumed with condemnation and unable to forgive himself. When Danielle enters his life, he can no longer hide the past. Will she be able to reach him or is Mike past the point of redemption? ? Book V...Heather - When confidence turns to frustration, she finds her dream of coaching basketball tarnished. Heather struggles with a dying father, a troublesome sister, and a cocky player. Can Mark help the feisty woman survive?

I - The Incident

II - The Day After

III - First Few Weeks

IV - Dancing With Love

V - The Holidays

VI - Springtime

VII - Graduation and Beyond

VIII - College

IX - A Challenge and a Decision

X - A Special Christmas

XI - Swimming Championship

XII - Princess For A Day

XIII - Surprise Visitor

XIV - Summertime

XV - Startling Revelations

XVI - Friends

XVII - Indiscretions

XVIII - Changes

XIX - Fall From Innocence

XX - Trying Times

XXI - Accomplishments

XXII - Winners

XXIII - Light At The End

XXIV - Olympics

XXV - Coming Home

I - An Enlightening Encounter

II - Someone Special

III - Wedding Surprise

IV - A Week of Fun

V - Building Emotions

VI - Fearful Heart

VII - Generous Holidays

VIII - Destiny Looming

IX - Brave Declaration

X - Where Choices Lead

XI - Unresolved Issues

XII - Special Moments

XIII A Wedding to Remember

XIV - A Scare

XV - Voice from the Past

XVI - Friends

XVII - Changes

XVIII -Escaping the Shadow

XIX - A Friend in Need

XX - Special Times

XXI - Accepting the Changes

XXII - Brave New Life

XXIII - Commitment

XXIV - True Friends and Feelings

XXV - Finding Peace

XXVI - The Greatest Gift of All

I - Second Chances

II - Life Renewed

III - Different Worlds

IV - New Territory

V - Moment of Truth

VI - A Life Changing Event

VII - Hasty Preparations

VIII - Correcting the Mistakes

IX - Inappropriate Disclosure

X - Almost to the Breaking Point

XI The Changes a Year Makes

XII - New Arrival

XIII - Influences

XIV - Continued Rejection

XV - Haunted by Fears

XVI - A Most Special Gift

XVII - Prosperity

XVIII - Last Chance to Reconcile

XIX - Release

I - Guilty Heart

II - The End In Sight

III - A Thousand Miles From Home

IV - An Answer To Prayer

V - Steadfast Resolution

VI - The Joy Of Friends

VII - Release From The Past

VIII - Families And Weddings

IX - Making Adjustments

X - Preventing Mistakes

XI - Devastation

XII - Too Much Uncertainty

XIII - True Friends

I - Anxious Beginnings

II - Unexpected Interest

III - A Source of Support

IV - A Day of Surprises

V - Saying Goodbye

VI - Disclosing the Truth

VII - Denial

VIII - A Desperate Plea

IX - Searching for Balance

X - Undeserved Adoration

XI - Family and Special Moments

XII - Crossroads

XIII - Destiny

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