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I - The Incident
II - The Day After
III - First Few Weeks
IV - Dancing With Love
V - The Holidays
VI - Springtime
VII - Graduation and Beyond
VIII - College
IX - A Challenge and a Decision
X - A Special Christmas
XI - Swimming Championship
XII - Princess For A Day
XIII - Surprise Visitor
XIV - Summertime
XV - Startling Revelations
XVI - Friends
XVII - Indiscretions
XVIII - Changes
XIX - Fall From Innocence
XX - Trying Times
XXI - Accomplishments
XXII - Winners
XXIII - Light At The End
XXIV - Olympics
XXV - Coming Home
I - An Enlightening Encounter
II - Someone Special
III - Wedding Surprise
IV - A Week of Fun
V - Building Emotions
VI - Fearful Heart
VII - Generous Holidays
VIII - Destiny Looming
IX - Brave Declaration
X - Where Choices Lead
XI - Unresolved Issues
XII - Special Moments
XIII A Wedding to Remember
XIV - A Scare
XV - Voice from the Past
XVI - Friends
XVII - Changes
XVIII -Escaping the Shadow
XIX - A Friend in Need
XX - Special Times
XXI - Accepting the Changes
XXII - Brave New Life
XXIII - Commitment
XXIV - True Friends and Feelings
XXV - Finding Peace
XXVI - The Greatest Gift of All
I - Second Chances
II - Life Renewed
III - Different Worlds
IV - New Territory
V - Moment of Truth
VI - A Life Changing Event
VII - Hasty Preparations
VIII - Correcting the Mistakes
IX - Inappropriate Disclosure
X - Almost to the Breaking Point
XI The Changes a Year Makes
XII - New Arrival
XIII - Influences
XIV - Continued Rejection
XV - Haunted by Fears
XVI - A Most Special Gift
XVII - Prosperity
XVIII - Last Chance to Reconcile
XIX - Release
I - Guilty Heart
II - The End In Sight
III - A Thousand Miles From Home
IV - An Answer To Prayer
V - Steadfast Resolution
VI - The Joy Of Friends
VII - Release From The Past
VIII - Families And Weddings
IX - Making Adjustments
X - Preventing Mistakes
XI - Devastation
XII - Too Much Uncertainty
XIII - True Friends
I - Anxious Beginnings
II - Unexpected Interest
III - A Source of Support
IV - A Day of Surprises
V - Saying Goodbye
VI - Disclosing the Truth
VII - Denial
VIII - A Desperate Plea
IX - Searching for Balance
X - Undeserved Adoration
XI - Family and Special Moments
XII - Crossroads
XIII - Destiny