


Priestess of the Dragons' Temple电子书

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作       者:Amelia Smith

出  版  社:PublishDrive


字       数:41.0万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Once, Iola flew with a dragon. If she can become ambassadress to the dragons' realm, she might fly again, but first she must navigate life as an ordinary priestess. She’s wholly devoted to the dragons, but some of her fellow priestesses are dragon-blind and corrupt. Worse, they think that Iola’s devotions are actually just a sign of greed. The ambassadress returns from the dragons’ realm, too sick to fly again. Iola might have a chance to take her place, but her rival, Tiagasa, was raised in a prince's palace. Tiagasa thrives on political intrigue and gossip, and her lover is about to become governor of the city. Iola’s few friends and allies aren't much more savvy than she is. Still, they hope to persuade the new governor to make Iola ambassadress so that the temple cam be a true sanctuary of the dragons for a few years more.

Title Page

Chapter 1: The Rulers of Men

Chapter 2: Initiation Night and After

Chapter 3: Ordinary Days

Chapter 4: Gaps in the Walls

Chapter 5: Myril’s Petitioner Returns

Chapter 6: The Ambassadress Returns

Chapter 7: Darna Stays

Chapter 8: The Baths

Chapter 9: Outside Temple Walls

Chapter 10: The Hunger of Her Heart

Chapter 11: Emerging

Chapter 12: The Dragons’ Law

Chapter 13: Heirs Apparent

Chapter 14: A Tavern Meeting

Chapter 15: The Election

Chapter 16: The Governor’s Reign

Chapter 17: Flight

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