


Clouds of Phoenix: A novel of the Gayan Alliance电子书

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作       者:Michèle Laframboise

出  版  社:Echofictions


字       数:22.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Can mere clouds threaten their now home?? Blanche, a young paraplegic girl, watches the clouds dancing in the Phoenix sky.? She wonders if their coordinated figures signal a threat. But the adults are too busy to listen, even her big sister Lupianne worries more about the air production’s failing quotas than? some weird clouds. Then, as the dances grow complex and temperatures rise, the sisters must hurry to prevent the annihilation of their budding settlement. A clever planet-opera featuring a disabled heroine, told by multi-award winning author Michèle Laframboise.?The French version of this novel received the 2001 Cecile Gagnon Award for best first YA novel. "We can only be fascinated by the powerful images?born from the descriptions, by the originality?and coherence of her universe (...)"?-- Le Devoir ?An excellent introduction to science fiction?and to a number of questions about the environment,?social relations and communication.? --Hélène Marchetto,?Les vagabonds du rêve

Title Page

Map of the Phoenix Settlement


1- The Dreamer in the Ruins

2- The Artist

3- The Shrinking Bubble

4 - Missing the Stars

5- Lupianne’s Chores

6- Dancers in the Sky

7- Chatting with Marcia

8 - Rising Anger

9 - Camping Trip

10 – Weather Balloon

11- The Meteorologist and the Biots

12- Council Session

13- Down the Chimney

14– Daring Rescue

15- Night Visit

16-The End of the World

17- Alone with the Winds

18- Frantic Scrambling

19- Search Party

20- A View from Above

21- The Black Tooth

22- A Message for the Clouds

23- A Dormant Secret Exposed

24- Aerial Fight

25- Dusting Duty in the new City

Heartfelt Thanks

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