Henry IV
Henry IV, Part 1
Act I
SCENE I. London. The palace.
SCENE II. London. An apartment of the Prince's.
SCENE III. London. The palace.
Act II
SCENE I. Rochester. An inn yard.
SCENE II. The highway, near Gadshill.
SCENE III. Warkworth castle
SCENE IV. The Boar's-Head Tavern, Eastcheap.
SCENE I. Bangor. The Archdeacon's house.
SCENE II. London. The palace.
Act IV
SCENE I. The rebel camp near Shrewsbury.
SCENE II. A public road near Coventry.
SCENE III. The rebel camp near Shrewsbury.
SCENE IV. York. The ARCHBISHOP'S palace.
Act V
SCENE I. KING HENRY IV's camp near Shrewsbury.
SCENE II. The rebel camp.
SCENE III. Plain between the camps.
SCENE IV. Another part of the field.
SCENE V. Another part of the field.
Henry IV, Part 2
Act I
SCENE I. The same.
SCENE II. London. A street.
SCENE III. York. The Archbishop's palace.
Act II
SCENE I. London. A street.
SCENE II. London. Another street.
SCENE III. Warkworth. Before the castle.
SCENE IV. London. The Boar's-head Tavern in Eastcheap.
SCENE I. Westminster. The palace.
SCENE II. Gloucestershire. Before SHALLOW'S house.
Act IV
SCENE I. Yorkshire. Gaultree Forest.
SCENE II. Another part of the forest.
SCENE III. Another part of the forest.
SCENE IV. Westminster. The Jerusalem Chamber.
SCENE V. Another chamber.
Act V
SCENE I. Gloucestershire. SHALLOW'S house.
SCENE II. Westminster. The palace.
SCENE III. Gloucestershire. SHALLOW'S orchard.
SCENE IV. London. A street.
SCENE V. A public place near Westminster Abbey.