售 价:¥
The MOST used CORPORATE decision making TOOL is the PROCEDURE
E-MAILS reply speed do not depend on INTERNET connection but on the CC level of the person
The LESS e-mail storage CAPACITY is, The LARGER the COMPANY is
PowerPoint PRESENTATION is a great CORPORATE tool that makes any BAD idea to SHINE
If GOSSIP becomes POLITICS, that company TURNS into a CORPORATION; if POLITICS is delivered in ENGLISH, which CORPORATION turns into a GLOBAL company
Common SENSE is the least used CORPORATE tool to assess BUSINESS
IF you act as a FOLLOWER, you can ONLY be a FOLLOWER
MARKET changes can best be TRACKED in lost OPPORTUNITIES analysis
ECONOMIC crisis is a GREAT opportunity in every CORPORATE PowerPoint PRESENTATION
BEST practice SHARING is a good WAY to see OTHERS are re-inventing the WHEEL as well
CORPORATIONS are faster than the MARKET, but the PERCEPTION is relatively OPPOSITE
If a company gets so COMPLICATED and totally NON-UNDERSTANDABLE by anyone it becomes a CORPORATION
CHANGE management is about COMMUNICATING heavily that NOTHING is about to CHANGE
In a nice CORPORATE office decorated with prestigious AWARDS and diplomas, the most VALUBLE thing is the CHAIR
„The more people hate their boss, the larger the company is“
An unachieved BUSINESS objective becomes VISION
EXPERTISE level is EXTREMELY high in CORPORATIONS as everybody is an EXPERT in others’ WORK
PEOPLE creativity is the only CORPORATE resource that CANNOT be DOWNSIZED; it can only be LAID-OFF
CORPORATIONS are market LEADERS; that’s WHY all MARKETS have more LEADERS than PLAYERS
A good CORPORATE consultant REVEALS things you already KNOW in the MOST expensive POSSIBLE way
Taking RESPONSABILITY in a CORPORATION is like RUGBY: it is ALWAYS passed backward and FAST
HAPPIER employees can ALWAYS be found at our main COMPETITOR
CORPORATE language: CEO asked BOD actions ASAP! FB expected EOD!
CORPORATE challenge means it is not NECESSARLY to be done but there is a BUDGET to SPEND
BUSINESS trip is a good excuse to postpone BUSINESS as you are away in a TRIP.
There’s LIFE beyond OFFICE
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