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作       者:Michel Zevaco

出  版  社:Litera


字       数:65.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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The Coming of Age, the fourth volume of the series A Little Frog’s Heart is a hymn to Universal Grandparents, to their wisdom and eternal love for their grandchildren, a work of art which will find its admirers and readers among those who accept it as part of their lives. This picture is a perfect one but as we have already got used to author George V?rtosu, the reader might well be baffled by the information he has never known his grandparents! Though a tragic one, this reality offered him the most cherished Gift: from all the elders of the village he chose the wisest, the most industrious and enchanting ones. He just took the best from each of them using his own imagination and so he created the perfect grandparents. When will you know that you have reached your coming of age? A bet on this topic between two fleas is rapidly transformed into a tragedy for their family, a true ?baptism of coming of age” for the main character of the story. You have the opportunity to learn how they are going to sort out this conflict and what are the truths of this marathon of surprising adventures reading the forth volume of the series A Little Frog’s Heart.


I. Violetta

II. Piața Grève

III. Pardaillan

IV. Călăul

V. Casa din insula Cité

VI. Buna hangiță

VII. Orgia

VIII. Dubla vânătoare

IX. Iertarea păcatelor

X. Tatăl

XI. Învoiala

XII. Fausta

XIII. Regina-mamă

XIV. Sixtus al V-lea

XV. Saïzuma

XVI. Vedenia lui Jacques-Clément

XVII. Vedenia lul Jacques-Clément (urmare)

XVIII. Moara de pe colina Saint-Roch

XIX. Morarul

XX. Atacul morii

XXI. Mănăstirea din Montmartre

XXII. Inima Faustei

XXIII. Spectrul

XXIV. Sora Filomena

XXV. Dragoste tomnatică

XXVI. Ograda mănăstirii

XXVII. Îndrăgostiții

XXVIII. Consiliu de război

XXIX. Fecioara războinică

XXX. Violetta

XXXI. Surorile Fourcaud

XXXII. Taina lui Belgodère

XXXIII. Femeia-cavaler

XXXIV. Cei doi tați

XXXV. Epopeea

XXXVI. Belgodère

XXXVII. Claude

XXXVIII. Tribunalul secret

XXXIX. Căsătoria Violettei

XL. Căsătoria Violettei (urmare)

XLI. Căsătoria Violettei (sfârșit)

XLII. Eroismul lui Pardaillan

XLIII. Consiliu de familie

XLIV. Tigrul îndrăgostit

XLV. Revanșa lui Bussi-Leclerc

XLVI. Monologul lui Pardaillan

XLVII. Bastilia

XLVIII. În care Pardaillan vizitează Bastilia

XLIX. Hanul La Teascul De Fier

L. În care Pardaillan descoperă că hangița e mai frumoasă decât pare

LI. Palatul Faustei

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