D Jr. Twit@ ”Just had a serious discussion with my dad. Occurred!””
D Jr. Twit@ “Traveling to Romania, to relatives… I have no idea how they look like!!! I wish to be back in my bed@””
D Jr. Twit@ “I’m in the very heart of Transylvania. Whatever! Better said, in the middle of nowhere””
“Thank you, man, I’ll be soaking wet until morning!”
D Jr. Twit@”wow wow wow wooooooow”
D Jr. Twit@ “You never know what awaits for you in your life””
D Jr. Twit@ “The greatest match in my life”
D Jr@ “Rocks are not what they seem to be”
D Jr. Twit@ “wow, now I understand what to get impaled means”
D Jr. Twit@ ”No power, no cry”
D Jr. Twit@ “my uncle… is the sweetest person on earth… NOT!”
D Jr. Twit @ “the final confrontation… the ultimate battle”
D Jr. Twit@ “…………………”