


Asta este Dumnezeu. O expresie a non-separ?rii电子书

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作       者:Rebekah Maroon

出  版  社:ATMAN


字       数:3.1万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Dracula’s great-great-great-grandson was born in California, in a family of Romanian immigrants. He is 14 years old, is rich, handsome, but... special. In addition, he wants to spend his holiday on his ancestors’ lands. What did he find out when he came closer to Dracula's castle? On a thousand spikes that you will not guess! Transylvania, Dracula, facebook, twitter, Fomila, Sfarma Piatra and Justin Bieber, in a totally crazy story! Here is the next global blockbuster! Read the book, don’t wait anymore for the movie! (Audia Publishers) Until now, I’ve had a normal childhood. Fine… If normal means having three nannies, a 7,000 square meter villa, a pool, a butler, a limo, private tutors… I read weird things, one of them would be that my dad is from Romania, that he impaled people and drank their blood and other horrible things like these… Sometimes, I search “Dracula” and I have to admit that people’s imagination is disappointing. I mean sharp ears, hair full of a lot of gel, sharp teeth… really? ...Tomorrow, I’m going to Romania, for a holiday in Transylvania, where father says that my special, extra-human powers will be activated. Yeah, some beautiful 14-year anniversary, what can I say!

Notă asupra ediției

O exprimare

Visul despre mine

Ce rămâne?

Nicio mișcare mai departe

În afara visului

Eu, este suferința

Eu, nu este adevărat

În căutarea adevărului

Toate acestea

Iubirea nu este un lucru

Nu există decât Asta

Nu am ajuns încă acolo

Deja asta

Nu este nimeni aici

Asta nu este pentru tine

Cum pot muri?

Complet gol

Asta nu poate fi știută


S-a terminat... și nu prea

Nu există non-dualitate

Imposibil de găsit

Nu există non-asta

Nu este nimic personal

Ordinarul extraordinar

Timp de poveste

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