


Peter Pan: [Peter & Wendy]电子书

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作       者:James Matthew Barrie

出  版  社:eKitap Projesi


字       数:22.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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THE WORLD SET FREE was written in 1913 and published early in 1914, and it is the latest of a series of three fantasias of possibility, stories which all turn on the possible developments in the future of some contemporary force or group of forces. The World Set Free was written under the immediate shadow of the Great War. Every intelligent person in the world felt that disaster was impending and knew no way of averting it, but few of us realised in the earlier half of 1914 how near the crash was to us. The reader will be amused to find that here it is put off until the year 1956. He may naturally want to know the reason for what will seem now a quite extraordinary delay. As a prophet, the author must confess he has always been inclined to be rather a slow prophet. The war aeroplane in the world of reality, for example, beat the forecast in Anticipations by about twenty years or so. I suppose a desire not to shock the sceptical reader's sense of use and wont and perhaps a less creditable disposition to hedge, have something to do with this dating forward of one's main events, but in the particular case of The World Set Free there was, I think, another motive in holding the Great War back, and that was to allow the chemist to get well forward with his discovery of the release of atomic energy. 1956—or for that matter 2056—may be none too late for that crowning revolution in human potentialities. And apart from this procrastination of over forty years, the guess at the opening phase of the war was fairly lucky; the forecast of an alliance of the Central Empires, the opening campaign through the Netherlands, and the despatch of the British Expeditionary Force were all justified before the book had been published six months. And the opening section of Chapter the Second remains now, after the reality has happened, a fairly adequate diagnosis of the essentials of the matter. One happy hit (in Chapter the Second, Section 2), on which the writer may congratulate himself, is the forecast that under modern conditions it would be quite impossible for any great general to emerge to supremacy and concentrate the enthusiasm of the armies of either side. There could be no Alexanders or Napoleons. And we soon heard the scientific corps muttering, 'These old fools,' exactly as it is here foretold. These, however, are small details, and the misses in the story far outnumber the hits. It is the main thesis which is still of interest now; the thesis that because of the development of scientific knowledge, separate sovereign states and separate sovereign empires are no longer possible in the world, that to attempt to keep on with the old system is to heap disaster upon disaster for mankind and perhaps to destroy our race altogether. The remaining interest of this book now is the sustained validity of this thesis and the discussion of the possible ending of war on the earth.

Peter Pan [Peter & Wendy]

About Author

Preface (About the Book)

Chapter 1

Peter Breaks Through

Chapter 2

The Shadow

Chapter 3

Come Away, Come Aaway!

Chapter 4

The Flight

Chapter 5

The Island Come True

Chapter 6

The Little House

Chapter 7

The Home Under the Ground

Chapter 8

The Mermaid’s Lagoon

Chapter 9

The Never Bird

Chapter 10

The Happy Home

Chapter 11

Wendy’s Story

Chapter 12

The Children Are Carried Off

Chapter 13

Do You Believe In Fairies?

Chapter 14

The Pirate Ship

Chapter 15

"Hook Or Me This Time"

Chapter 16

The Return Home

Chapter 17

When Wendy Grew Up

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