


Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare电子书

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作       者:C. W. Sleeman

出  版  社:eKitap Projesi


字       数:52.8万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Smith and the Pharaohs, And Other Tales was written in the year 1920 by Henry Rider Haggard. This book is one of the most popular novels of Henry Rider Haggard, and has been translated into several other languages around the world.This book is published by Booklassic which brings young readers closer to classic literature globally.

Torpedoes and Torpedo Warfare


Chapter I: The Early History of the Torpedo — Remarks On the Existing State of Torpedo Warfare

Fulton’s Torpedoes


Chapter II: Defensive Torpedo Warfare — Mechanical Mines — Mechanical Fuzes — Mooring Mechanical Mines

Frame Torpedoes, Buoyant Mechanical Mines

Singer’s And Mevoy’s Mechanical Mines

Extempore Mechanical Mine, Mechanical Primers

Mechanical Fuzes


Chapter III: Defensive Torpedo Warfare — Continued

Form of Case of Submarine Mines

Electrical Fuzes

Electric Cables, Extempore Cable Joints

Permanent Joints For Electric Cables

Junction Boxes Mechanical Turk’s Head

Moorings For Submarine Mines

Steam Launch For Mooring Submarine Mines

Chapter IV: Defensive Torpedo Warfare — (Continued)

Mathieson’s Circuit Closer

Austrian Circuit Closer, Mercury Circuit Closer

Mc Evoy’s Magneto Electro Circuit Closer

Russian Submarine Mine, Firing By Observation

Apparatus For Firing By Observation

Systems of Defence By Submarine Mines

Firing Batteries, Testing Batteries

Firing Keys, Shutter Apparatus

Shutter Apparatus

Galvanometers For Testing

Siemen’s Universal Galvanometer

Shunt, Commutator, Rheostat

Wheatstone’s Bridge

Test Table, Differential Galvanometer

Methods of Testing — Armstrong, — Austrian


Chapter V: Offensive Torpedo Warfare

Drifting Torpedoes

Harvey’s Towing Torpedo

Harvey’s Towing Torpedo

Systems of Attack With Harvey’s Towing Torpedo

German And French Towing Torpedoes

Whitehead’s Fish Torpedo

Thornicroft’s Boat Apparatus For Fish Torpedoes

Lay’s Locomotive Torpedo

Mc Evoy’s Doplex Spar Torpedo

Chapter VI: Torpedo Vessels, Boats, And Submarine Boats

The "Alarm" Torpedo Ship

The "Destroyer" Torpedo Ship

Thornycroft’s Torpedo Boats

Yarrow’s Torpedo Boats

Russian Torpedo Boat, Herreshoff’s Torpedo Boat


Chapter VII: Torpedo Operations

Crimean War (1854-56)

Austro-Italian War (1859)

American Civil War (1861-65)

Paraguayan War (1864-68)

Austrian War (1866)

Russo-Turkish War (1877-78)

First Affair

Second Affair

Third Affair

Fourth Affair

Fifth Affair

Sixth Affair

Seventh Affair

Eighth Affair

Chapter VIII: On Explosives

A.—Explosive Mixtures

B.—Explosive Compounds

Submarine Mine Explosion

Chapter IX: Torpedo Experiments

Chapter X: The Electric Light — Torpedo Guns — Diving


Chapter XI: Electricity



Mc Evoy’s Single Main System

Table of Torpido Angle

A Synopsis of the Principal Events That Have Occured In Connection With the History of the Torpedo

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