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560人正在读 | 1人评论 6.2

作       者:韩国T计划语言协会

出  版  社:群言出版社


字       数:51.6万

所属分类: 教育 > 外语 > 英文教辅



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  • 读书简介
  • 目录
  • 累计评论(4条)
《托业听力专项突破》是专为新托业考试听力部分编写的讲练结合的实用教材。该书根据每种听力题型的命题特和考查思路,系统总结了在真实考试中*常出现的各种语言要,提供行之有效的答题策略,辅以循序渐的阶梯式练习,可以帮助不同语言基础的考生在短期内迅速明晰学习目标,丰富知识储备,提高听力技能,实现考试成绩与应用能力的双重飞跃!  本书通过按阶段安排的讲解与练习,将新托业的听力理解按部分行分类,使读者可以在短时间内学习各部分的核心内容。特别是那些已经超越了初级阶段,以更高的分数为目标的托业中级学习者,能更有效地使用本书,在更短时间内获得更好的学习效果。   本书提供免费配套的MP3音频。听力材料由英、美、澳、加等多国人士朗读,囊括新托业听力考试中可能出现的所有口音。考生可登录封面上提供的网络地址免费下载音频资料,还可扫描封底二维码在线收听。<br/>【推荐语】<br/>新东方托业考试指定培训教材:随着时代的发展,英语的应用场合越来越多元化,对英语能力的需求也在随之变化。为了适应这一潮流,ETS为TOEIC考试研发了新的题型。为了帮助广大考生更好地了解新托业考试的要求和特,新东方引了一系列与托业考试相关的辅导用书。《托业听力专项突破》是该丛书之一,引自在韩国英语教育出版领域有较好口碑的韩国多乐园出版社,是韩国畅销的托业书之一,被韩国众多学校和培训机构指定为课堂教材,在托业考生中享有较高声誉。 应试技巧与英文水平的同步提升:语言学习的*终目标是行流畅的沟通交流,本丛书旨在提高托业考试分数的同时提高英语能力。它不仅重视对托业考试应试技巧的训练,还注重传授学习方法,为流畅的英语交流下坚实的基础。如果你是准备参加托业考试的学生,或是想提高英文听力水平的读者,抑或是拼搏于国际职场的人,相信通过学习本书,你的英语能力一定会有很大提高。 讲练结合与实战模拟的完美编排:本书由新东方独家引,又经历全新改版,提供更丰富的内容、更时新的题材、更权威的命题和更全面的讲解。书中分类讲解每种题型,总结常考语言要,提供大量高仿真练习题和一套完整的听力模拟题,助考生迎实战,获取高分。<br/>【作者】<br/>本丛书引自韩国多乐园出版社。该社成立于1977年,在韩国英语教育出版领域有较好的口碑。本丛书是韩国畅销的托业书之一,被韩国众多学校和培训机构指定为课堂教材,在托业考生中享有较高声誉。<br/>

TOEIC for English, not for scores

What's the New TOEIC?

New TOEIC 听力攻略




unit 01 人物的动作与状态描述

PART 1 描述人物的动作和状态

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Word.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 02 事物的位置、状态与背景描述

PART 1 高频词汇&句型

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Word.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

PART 1 Review Test

PART 1 高频表达



unit 01 Where 疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 02 When 疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 03 Why 疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 04 How 疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 05 Who 疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 06 What 疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 07 一般疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 08 否定疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 09 反意疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 10 陈述句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 11 选择疑问句

Exercise 1: Listen and Choose the Right Response.

Exercise 2: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 3: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

PART 2 Review Test

PART 2 高频表达



unit 01 Nature: 天气、景观

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 02 Housing: 居住、服装、饮食

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 03 Place: 邮局、医院、旅行社、银行

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 04 Leisure: 运动、演出、购物、旅行

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 05 Transportation: 交通工具

PART 3 分类词汇整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 06 Things: 电器、办公用品

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 07 Work 1: 职业、业务、经营、管理

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 08 Work 2: 物资、市场、营业、运输

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to.

unit 09 Graphic Information

PART 3 词汇分类整理

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Answer the Questions and Dictate What You Listened to

PART 3 Review Test

PART 3 高频表达



unit 01 Advertisement: 广告

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions.

unit 02 Announcement: 公告

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions.

unit 03 Introduction: 介绍

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions.

unit 04 Recorded Message: 录音留言

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions.

unit 05 Instructions: 说明

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions.

unit 06 News & Report: 新闻与报道

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions.

unit 07 Speech: 演讲

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions.

unit 08 Graphic Information 图表信息

Exercise 1: Listen and Fill in the Blanks.

Exercise 2: Listen and Answer the Questions .

PART 4 Review Test

PART 4 高频表达




Answer Book


Unit 01 人物的动作与状态描述:Exercise 3

Unit 02 事物的位置、状态与背景描述:Exercise 3

Review Test


Unit 01 Where 疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 02 When 疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 03 Why 疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 04 How 疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 05 Who疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 06 What 疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 07 一般疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 08 否定疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 09 反意疑问句:Exercise 3

Unit 10 陈述句: Exercise 3

Unit 11 选择疑问句:Exercise 3

Review Test


Unit 01 Nature 天气、景观:Exercise 2

Unit 02 Housing 居住、服装、饮食:Exercise 2

Unit 03 Place 邮局、医院、旅行社、银行:Exercise 2

Unit 04 Leisure 运动、演出、购物、旅行:Exercise 2

Unit 05 Transportation 交通工具:Exercise 2

Unit 06 Things 电器、办公用品:Exercise 2

Unit 07 Work 1 职业、业务、经营、管理:Exercise 2

Unit 08 Work 2 物资、市场、营业、运输:Exercise 2

Unit 09 Graphic Information 图表:Exercise 2

Review Test


Unit 01 Advertisement 广告:Exercise 2

Unit 02 Announcement 公告:Exercise 2

Unit 03 Introduction 介绍:Exercise 2

Unit 04 Recorded Message 录音留言:Exercise 2

Unit 05 Instructions 说明:Exercise 2

Unit 06 News & Report 新闻与报道:Exercise 2

Unit 07 Speech 演讲:Exercise 2

Unit 08 Graphic Information 图表信息:Exercise 2

Review Test






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