


A Journey into the Center of the Earth电子书

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作       者:Jules Verne

出  版  社:Booklassic


字       数:35.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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A Journey into the Center of the Earth



Translator's preface

Redactor's Note

Chapter 1 - The Professor and His Family

Chapter 2 - A Mystery to Be Solved at Any Price

Chapter 3 - The Runic Writing Exercises the Professor

Chapter 4 - The Enemy to Be Starved into Submission

Chapter 5 - Famine, Then Victory, Followed by Dismay

Chapter 6 - Exciting Discussions about an Unparalleled Enterprise

Chapter 7 - A Woman's Courage

Chapter 8 - Serious Preparations for Vertical Descent

Chapter 9 - Iceland! But What Next?

Chapter 10 - Interesting Conversations with Icelandic Savants

Chapter 11 - A Guide Found to the Centre of the Earth

Chapter 12 - A Barren Land

Chapter 13 - Hospitality under the Arctic Circle

Chapter 14 - But Arctics can be Inhospitable, Too

Chapter 15 - Snæfell at Last

Chapter 16 - Boldly down the Crater

Chapter 17 - Vertical Descent

Chapter 18 - The Wonders of Terrestrial Depths

Chapter 19 - Geological Studies in Situ

Chapter 20 - The First Signs of Distress

Chapter 21 - Compassion Fuses the Professor's Heart

Chapter 22 - Total Failure of Water

Chapter 23 - Water Discovered

Chapter 24 - Well Said, Old Mole! Canst Thou Work I' the Ground So Fast?

Chapter 25 - De Profundis

Chapter 26 - The Worst Peril of All

Chapter 27 - Lost in the Bowels of the Earth

Chapter 28 - The Rescue in the Whispering Gallery

Chapter 29 - Thalatta! Thalatta!

Chapter 30 - A New Mare Internum

Chapter 31 - Preparations for a Voyage of Discovery

Chapter 32 - Wonders of the Deep

Chapter 33 - A Battle of Monsters

Chapter 34 - The Great Geyser

Chapter 35 - An Electric Storm

Chapter 36 - Calm Philosophic Discussions

Chapter 37 - The Liedenbrock Museum of Geology

Chapter 38 - The Professor in His Chair Again

Chapter 39 - Forest Scenery Illuminated by Eletricity

Chapter 40 - Preparations for Blasting a Passage to the Centre of the Earth

Chapter 41 - The Great Explosion and the Rush down below

Chapter 42 - Headlong Speed Upward through the Horrors of Darkness

Chapter 43 - Shot out of a Volcano at Last!

Chapter 44 - Sunny Lands in the Blue Mediterranean

Chapter 45 - All's Well That Ends Well


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