


Juvenilia – Volume II电子书

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作       者:Jane Austen

出  版  社:Booklassic


字       数:15.4万

所属分类: 进口书 > 外文原版书 > 小说



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Juvenilia – Volume II



Part 1 - Love and Freindship


Letter the 1st, Isabel to Laura

Letter the 2nd, Laura to Isabel

Letter the 3rd, Laura to Marianne

Letter the 4th, Laura to Marianne

Letter the 5th, Laura to Marianne

Letter the 6th, Laura to Marianne

Letter the 7th, Laura to Marianne

Letter the 8th, Laura to Marianne in continuation

Letter the 9th, From the same to the same

Letter the 10th, Laura in continuation

Letter the 11th, Laura in continuation

Letter the 12th, Laura in continuation

Letter the 13th, Laura in continuation

Letter the 14th, Laura in continuation

Letter the 15th, Laura in continuation

Part 2 - Lesley Castle


Letter the 1st, from Miss Margaret Lesley to Miss Charlotte Lutterell

Letter the 2nd, from Miss C. Lutterell to Miss M. Lesley in answer

Letter the 3rd, from Miss Margaret Lesley to Miss C. Lutterell

Letter the 4th, from Miss C. Lutterell to Miss M. Lesley

Letter the 5th, from Miss Margaret Lesley to Miss Charlotte Lutterell

Letter the 6th, from Lady Lesley to Miss Charlotte Lutterell

Letter the 7th, from Miss C. Lutterell to Miss M. Lesley

Letter the 8th, from Miss Lutterell to Mrs. Marlowe

Letter the 9th, from Mrs. Marlowe to Miss Lutterell

Letter the 10th, from Miss Margaret Lesley to Miss Charlotte Lutterell

Part 3 - The History of England

Part 4 - A Collection of Letters


Letter the 1st, from a Mother to her Freind

Letter the 2nd, from a Young Lady crossed in Love to her Freind

Letter the 3rd, from a Young Lady in distressed Circumstances to her Freind

Letter the 4th, from a Young Lady rather impertinent to her freind

Letter the 5th, from a Young Lady very much in love to her Freind

Part 5 - Scraps


The Female Philosopher—a letter

The First Act of a Comedy

A Letter from a Young Lady, whose feelings being too strong for her Judgement led her into the commission of Errors which her Heart disapproved

A Tour Through Wales in a letter from a Young Lady

A Tale


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